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by Metalfiiish
Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:34 am
Forum: BST
Topic: /ja Ready
Replies: 3
Views: 15540

Re: /ja Ready

If I'm with you, your looking for how the smn pet abilities work? Seems like the core of what is calling those scripts is built in luautils.cpp: From Line 3284: int32 OnPetAbility(CBase...
by Metalfiiish
Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:33 pm
Forum: Server Setup & Guides
Topic: [Fixed] New server, configure complaining about LUA...
Replies: 5
Views: 7745

Re: [Fixed] New server, configure complaining about LUA...

Had this same issue. Fixed by installing:

apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev

Then running autogen again.

I only had:
apt-get install libluajit-5.1-dev
apt-get install lua5.1
by Metalfiiish
Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:06 am
Forum: Scripting
Topic: TextIDs.lua changes
Replies: 5
Views: 6365

Re: TextIDs.lua changes

Yeah the encoding was set to utf8. If I didn't the script eould crash when it hit that char lol.
by Metalfiiish
Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:30 pm
Forum: Scripting
Topic: TextIDs.lua changes
Replies: 5
Views: 6365

Re: TextIDs.lua changes

Ah I was using a pythin module called elementree that inspected the tree for the proper fields and then fed me the info whi ch would then filter through a regex to clean it up and make it match the current comment that is provided next to every current defined variable in each zones txt file. Same t...
by Metalfiiish
Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:35 pm
Forum: Scripting
Topic: TextIDs.lua changes
Replies: 5
Views: 6365

Re: TextIDs.lua changes

I had the same issue when making my script to update them, it was hanging at the '<' 0xe2,0x89,0xba/oxbb '>' . I couldnt get the scraper to be able to logically read those even with a regex for the hex code lol
by Metalfiiish
Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:11 am
Forum: Server Setup & Guides
Topic: Seasonal Events
Replies: 3
Views: 4640

Re: Seasonal Events


Working on halloween in the above thread. Updating atm and should have version 2 out soon.
by Metalfiiish
Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:08 am
Forum: Resources
Topic: In-game Weather Data
Replies: 3
Views: 12003

Re: In-game Weather Data

lmfao yeah thats the exact page haha
by Metalfiiish
Fri May 31, 2013 8:41 am
Forum: Resources
Topic: In-game Weather Data
Replies: 3
Views: 12003

In-game Weather Data

Hey all! As known I had been working on gathering weather data from retail so we can replicate it better on our end. As such I have a retroactive excel sheet that shows a little over one in-game year's worth of weather. There does appear to be at least one gap in time that is missing which is 7/16-7...
by Metalfiiish
Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:36 pm
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Gifts and Claws of Griffon Quests (Southern San d'Oria [S])
Replies: 3
Views: 3864

Re: Gifts and Claws of Griffon Quests (Southern San d'Oria [

Thank you whasf..i've had that sitting on my server for a month now ><
by Metalfiiish
Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:58 pm
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Harvest Festival - Work in Progress
Replies: 3
Views: 4454

Re: Harvest Festival - Work in Progress

Update pushed.