Search found 25 matches

by DanteMccloud
Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:48 pm
Forum: Public Servers
Topic: Expedition Gaming FFXI server returns!
Replies: 3
Views: 19480

Re: Expedition Gaming FFXI server returns!

We now have the following trusts up and working, have fun :)

Shantotto 2
by DanteMccloud
Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:51 pm
Forum: Public Servers
Topic: Expedition Gaming FFXI server returns!
Replies: 3
Views: 19480

Re: Expedition Gaming FFXI server returns!

If your interested in aquiring SWG NGE server, let me know. I am part of a community that is restoring it. It would be great if you also can help out with the project too :) I doubt I'll have much time to contribute to it, but I wouldn't mind hosting a server for peeps. I'm not a big fan of SWG pos...
by DanteMccloud
Thu Jun 06, 2019 2:04 pm
Forum: Public Servers
Topic: Expedition Gaming FFXI server returns!
Replies: 3
Views: 19480

Expedition Gaming FFXI server returns!

Expedition Gaming’s FFXI server! We host an array of game servers from FFXI (pre Abyssea), Tera, Arma3, FFXIV, SWG (pre-CU), BDO (v491) each on their own dedicated server machine. Below is the information for the FFXI server hope to see you there ^.^ I do all my support through discord please messag...
by DanteMccloud
Mon May 20, 2019 9:01 am
Forum: Public Servers
Topic: Active Server List
Replies: 29
Views: 85274

Re: Active Server List

Expedition Gaming’s FFXI server! IP Address: Server Forums: Discord: Facebook is Level Cap 75 Explorer Moogles to teleport city to city Home Point telep...
by DanteMccloud
Tue May 14, 2019 9:38 am
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: Pirates & Fishing
Replies: 3
Views: 145829

Re: Pirates & Fishing

Hey Jono does this still work? I was thinking of playing with this as I heard Master branch doesn't have it implemented. Did you add the Mhaura Zone script to just Mhaura or is it in Selbina Zone as well? Did you have to do anything other than add those scripts lines to transport and Mhaura in order...
by DanteMccloud
Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:35 pm
Forum: Custom Applications and Tools
Topic: Python AH Buyer / Seller / scrubber
Replies: 146
Views: 410478

Re: Python AH Buyer / Seller / scrubber

So I got the Tool working to fill the AH, scrape items from ffxiah, and even buy items from players but they never receive the gil. I tried re-importing the DeliveryBox, AuctionHouse, and the Triggers but still can't get it to give us the gil. It shows that it buys it though... any suggestions?
by DanteMccloud
Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:55 pm
Forum: General Chat
Topic: impossible to launch an Assault
Replies: 4
Views: 7987

Re: impossible to launch an Assault

Has anything happened with this over the last year? I've started playing with Nyzul ilse and gotten it to the point it gives a similar command trying to enter. I'm totally willing to code and get it working but not sure where to start with repairing a error message like that. as far as coding Nyzul ...
by DanteMccloud
Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:27 pm
Forum: Scripting
Topic: ACP and ASA
Replies: 23
Views: 24654

Re: ACP and ASA

player:addPartyEffect(EFFECT_CONFRONTATION,EFFECT_CONFRONTATION,0,0,1200) edit: it looks like it also has some other problems... i'd just do getParty and iterate it in lua instead I see what you mean, appears that when the effect wears it crashes the server unless it wears by the timer ending. Besi...
by DanteMccloud
Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:52 pm
Forum: Scripting
Topic: ACP and ASA
Replies: 23
Views: 24654

Re: ACP and ASA

Have everything in ACP working up to Ode of Life Bestowing as it works in retail. If anyone has ANY work on the BCNM for this fight done yet I'd appreciate some info on it else I'm making it from scratch which isn't so bad I suppose haha. Almost ready to share just this fight and a CS then it'll all...
by DanteMccloud
Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:35 pm
Forum: Scripting
Topic: ACP and ASA
Replies: 23
Views: 24654

Re: ACP and ASA

For the seed mandragora I was just going try having the handling of their spawns in onTick() in a status effect when I had time to look at it. I had no idea I could timer() it. that would of been so much easier onTick probabaly haha I have them all working and spawning in waves now as well as count...