oke i worked on RDM today a bit and this is what came out of it :P scroll_of_temper.lua temper.lua multi_strikes.lua -- effect RDM trait Fast Cast: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Fast_Cast added IV and V also added the trait for a blu lvl 72 SQL changes: I NSERT INTO `item_usable` VALUES (4705, 3...
i had to take a little break on all those trial work im working on so went trough the gameserver log to see what my server missed on lua's. made these one's: Spells: aisha_ichi.lua -- all 3 nin spells need right effect msg later on but they work fine now yurin_ichi.lua myoshu_ichi -- needed a sql ch...
hey gedads are all mobpools in this patch?? like for all abby zone's since you took over the hole sql with this patch and it will erase my own work, can you give m ethe lines you changed on it??
or else i will sort them out myself later. only 2 more zone's todo so
yes nice job gadads :) i have them almost all done and tested and will let you know when it all be tested on my main server, will add what you miss later on and will share it, you can give sensemann the skeleton famid for now in mobpools, like this: 3542,'Sensenmann',227,0x00003402 will let you know...
oke gadads im working with you pos for the abyssea zone;s now, its a shame you dont have the full package in but this will save me some time, so thanx on sharing the pos, will let you know how it works when i have it in, running tests for it now, and will add what you miss later on, why do you have ...
oke nice work compmike, did you check all 75+ weapons i sended you?? most high level missed some core mods but the rest worked, i added the models and weapon lines in myself so it should work fine, let me know if some act strange and i need to change them, its really speeding up now we all work togh...