Festive Moogle
Festive Moogle
Is there anyway to enable the Festive Moogle and/or the various festivals? I have a feeling that I'm missing something rather obvious in the settings.
Re: Festive Moogle
i think the only one that was ever scripted was the halloween one, but i don't know how you activate it (most of them are probably fairly involved, requiring db edits etc)
Re: Festive Moogle
To activate the 2005 Halloween one, open scripts -> globals -> settings.lua
Go to almost the bottom and find this line:
HALLOWEEN_2005 = 1; -- Set to 1 to Enable the 2005 version of Harvest Festival, will start on Oct. 20 and end Nov. 1.
As shown, 1 for enable, 0 for disable. You can also flag year round in the next line if you want it to always be available.
This is the only one which seems to be complete though. Sorry, I have no idea how you make sure others will work.
Go to almost the bottom and find this line:
HALLOWEEN_2005 = 1; -- Set to 1 to Enable the 2005 version of Harvest Festival, will start on Oct. 20 and end Nov. 1.
As shown, 1 for enable, 0 for disable. You can also flag year round in the next line if you want it to always be available.
This is the only one which seems to be complete though. Sorry, I have no idea how you make sure others will work.
Re: Festive Moogle
If I enable the Halloween for year around, it crashes the server.