Compiling the Server on Windows XP

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Compiling the Server on Windows XP

Post by Khelendil » Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:02 am

Hi guys, I got a little problem here.

I have a VM running Windows XP 32bit I use for Development. IDE is Code::Blocks with CMake.
So i tried to install Visual Studio 2013 Express for desktop to use it for compiling the server but it wont do me the favor as it need s .net 4.5 which is not supporting Win XP.

Question is: Can I use CMake and Code::Blocks to compile it and if so how? If not do I have any alternatives besides installing a new VM with a Unix Distro?

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Re: Compiling the Server on Windows XP

Post by whasf » Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:51 pm

You're on your own.. It's made to compile on VS2013 in a Windows environment. Who know what funky stuff you'll come across otherwise.
-- Whasf

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Re: Compiling the Server on Windows XP

Post by kjLotus » Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:53 pm

maybe you can.. depends what you use to compile. i think there's a vc12 for windows xp, but i jumped off that ship like 10 years ago so i've no idea where to get it

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Re: Compiling the Server on Windows XP

Post by Khelendil » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:47 pm

Well i might have the vc12 (vs2012?) sitting around on one of my many hard drives. but before that ill give it a try n create the 10 or so cmakelists.txt files to see if it can be done with cmake.
if it is we might be able to run this on more plattforms as cmake is able to find the dependencies.

But thx for the tipps (^_^)


Edit around 3h later:

I managed to set up the Cmake Part for the Search Server but ran into a Compiler Bug with mingw 4.7.1 which is the bundled version on CodeBlocks Latest Stable (13.12 from 2013)
Am currently in the process of figuring out the env that cmake is using in the gui as i run it from cli n it fails to build the test program there. (The GUI is able to Work over the Code.)

The Bug i hit was the error message to_string is not part of the namespace std. Post on Stackoverflow linked to a Bugtracker Ticket on MinGW n said it was fixed in 4.8.1 so im trying to get 4.9.2 latest to get to work. Wish the log files would be helpfull. ( >_< )

Will keep u updated if u want me to. Heading to sleep for now so.

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Re: Compiling the Server on Windows XP

Post by kjLotus » Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:12 pm

vc12 is from vs2013, but yeah maybe mingw will work (it needs to be fairly recent though, as i liberally use c++11/14 stuff)

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Re: Compiling the Server on Windows XP

Post by Khelendil » Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:13 am

Well 4.9.2 is latest available on the tdm Version as this is the MinGW Compiler Suite behind CodeBlocks. (17.02.2015 released)
So the C++11/14 stuff should be included.

Edit 3 Days later......

This is giving me a hard time. Tried multiple Versions of MinGW (4.8.1, 4.9.2, default MinGW or tdm flavor) and found a lot of stones to stumble upon.
The latest is a Mountain to jump over. g++ failes to compile the search server at 55% with "error: 'to_string' is not a member of 'std'"
File is data_loader.cpp n function GetPlayersList.

Switch -std=gnu++0x is set so the c++11 standard features should be working. also have set -D_GNU_SOURCE but doesnt help either.
MinGW is a fresh install after i erased everything past the windows install n reinstalled codeblocks (13.12 without MinGW bundled) and MinGW 4.8.1 via mingw-get

Does any1 have an idea or tip i could use to finaly get the smallest of the 3 Components to compile?

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