I'm posting this information in the hopes that it may benefit the community. Please let me know if you see anything terribly wrong.
- Performed standard server install with SSH & LAMP options.
(I know LAMP was not necessary just for MySQL. I may revise this at a later date)
Added user ffxi.
Set root password:
Code: Select all
sudo passwd
Log in as root. (I did and I do. Please be aware that if you are logging in as a standard user that you must utilize 'sudo' where appropriate.)
Initial system updates:
Code: Select all
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Install tools and libs for 32-bit build environment:
Code: Select all
apt-get -fy install automake cpp:i386 g++:i386 gawk gcc:i386 liblua5.1-0-dev liblua5.1-0-dev:i386 libmysqlclient-dev:i386 libtool:i386 subversion
Install tools and libs for build environment:
Code: Select all
apt-get -fy install automake cpp g++ gawk gcc liblua5.1-0-dev libmysqlclient-dev libtool subversion
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cd /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
ln -s liblua5.1.so liblua.so
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svn co http://onetimexi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk /home/ffxi/dsp
No longer required (thx lautan):
Download Linux dssearch patch here: (Can we get this posted to the GoogleCode downloads?)
Code: Select all
cd /home/ffxi/dsp
chmod a+x autogen.sh
./configure LIBS=-lpthread
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mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE dspdb;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dspdb.* TO dspdb_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'dspdb_password';
mysql> quit
Code: Select all
cd /home/ffxi/dsp/sql
for f in *.sql; do echo -n "Importing $f into the database..."; mysql dspdb -u dspdb_user -pdspdb_password < $f && echo "Success"; done
Update your configuration files @ /home/ffxi/dsp/conf
Login as ffxi.
At this point you can use 'screen' to background /home/ffxi/dsp/dsconnect, /home/ffxi/dsp/dsgame, and /home/ffxi/dsp/dssearch or you can use Ubuntu's "Upstart" configuration files to run each at startup.
Undecipherable data here: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html
'screen' here:http://linux.die.net/man/1/screen
I am currently using four (4) upstart configs, three (3) are standard standard upstart scripts with no start conditions (one each for dsconnect, dsgame, dssearch), and one (1) config is configured as a prestart script:
Example of my dsconnect upstart script:
Code: Select all
nano /etc/init/dsconnect.conf
Code: Select all
root@ffxi:/home/ffxi/dsp# cat /etc/init/dsconnect.conf
# DSConnect
description "Start DS Lobby Login Server"
stop on stopping dsp
cd /home/ffxi/dsp
end script
My pre-start upstart script:
Code: Select all
root@ffxi:/home/ffxi/dsp# cat /etc/init/dsp.conf
# DSP FFXI Server...
description "Start DSP FFXI Server"
start on started networking
stop on stopping networking
stop on starting shutdown
pre-start script
start dsconnect
start dsgame
start dssearch
end script
Code: Select all
start dsp -or- restart dsp -or- restart dgame
Additionally, for MySQL management install phpmyadmin:
Code: Select all
apt-get install phpmyadmin
That's all I've got at the moment.