Hey all i managed to get a private server working a few days ago and there's a few things i would like to know.
1. Will other people be able to connect to my server using Hamachi? or will i have to use NO-IP like i did for a private WoW server i had earlier this year?
2. Is there anyway to get Meteor to actually work? even when i'm under the effects of Elemental Seal it doesn't work it just says i can't cast it (truth be told i want to try it on mobs but also as a "punishment" spell for when someone's cheeky or for laughs.
3. Would it be possible to add/modify Blue magic at all for example lowering the Blue points cost same with merit points.
4. This is because i have the level cap set to 255 and using @setplayerlevel Player 255 causes the connection to crash how would i be able to add mobs that give XP to characters between 99 and 255 to certain areas for example just outside the three starter towns that also don't aggro unless they get attacked?