Ubuntu Server 13.04 Setup - x86 & x64
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:29 pm
Build notes for the most current version of Ubuntu Server 13.04 64-bit & 32-bit
I'm posting this information in the hopes that it may benefit the community. Please let me know if you see anything terribly wrong.
Set root password:
Log in as root. (I did and I do. Please be aware that if you are logging in as a standard user that you must utilize 'sudo' where appropriate.)
Initial system updates:
For 64-bit server:
Install tools and libs for 32-bit build environment:
For 32-bit server:
Install tools and libs for build environment:
Fix liblua.so linking error:
Checkout SVN source:
No longer required (thx lautan):
Assuming that you've done as I had and installed the LAMP package on install, you have already set the MySQL password for the root user account so you can now login and create the database and user.
Import SQL tables:
Please be aware that there is intentionally no space between the "-p" switch and the dspdb_user's password.
Update your configuration files @ /home/ffxi/dsp/conf
Login as ffxi.
At this point you can use 'screen' to background /home/ffxi/dsp/dsconnect, /home/ffxi/dsp/dsgame, and /home/ffxi/dsp/dssearch or you can use Ubuntu's "Upstart" configuration files to run each at startup.
Undecipherable data here: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html
'screen' here:http://linux.die.net/man/1/screen
I am currently using four (4) upstart configs, three (3) are standard standard upstart scripts with no start conditions (one each for dsconnect, dsgame, dssearch), and one (1) config is configured as a prestart script:
Example of my dsconnect upstart script:
Contents of the config file:
dsgame & dssearch are configured through similar scripts.
My pre-start upstart script:
This script is set to start all 3 services after networking has been established, or you may use:
Please note that, in this configuration, you do not want to configure the pre-start script for respawn as each service will manage that on it's own.
Additionally, for MySQL management install phpmyadmin:
At some point during the package install it will ask to install to lighttp or to apache. Since I had already installed apache (with LAMP package selection on install) I chose apache. I expect that configuring to lighttp may be an infinitesimally leaner server (if you hadn't already selected the LAMP package; if you had, fortheloveofallthat'sholy pick apache). After install, the admin page is available @ http://yerserveraddress/phpmyadmin, login with MySQL credentials.
That's all I've got at the moment.
I'm posting this information in the hopes that it may benefit the community. Please let me know if you see anything terribly wrong.
- Performed standard server install with SSH & LAMP options.
(I know LAMP was not necessary just for MySQL. I may revise this at a later date)
Added user ffxi.
Set root password:
Code: Select all
sudo passwd
Log in as root. (I did and I do. Please be aware that if you are logging in as a standard user that you must utilize 'sudo' where appropriate.)
Initial system updates:
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apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Install tools and libs for 32-bit build environment:
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apt-get -fy install automake cpp:i386 g++:i386 gawk gcc:i386 liblua5.1-0-dev liblua5.1-0-dev:i386 libmysqlclient-dev:i386 libtool:i386 subversion
Install tools and libs for build environment:
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apt-get -fy install automake cpp g++ gawk gcc liblua5.1-0-dev libmysqlclient-dev libtool subversion
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cd /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
ln -s liblua5.1.so liblua.so
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svn co http://onetimexi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk /home/ffxi/dsp
No longer required (thx lautan):
Download Linux dssearch patch here: (Can we get this posted to the GoogleCode downloads?)
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cd /home/ffxi/dsp
chmod a+x autogen.sh
./configure LIBS=-lpthread
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mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE dspdb;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dspdb.* TO dspdb_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'dspdb_password';
mysql> quit
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cd /home/ffxi/dsp/sql
for f in *.sql; do echo -n "Importing $f into the database..."; mysql dspdb -u dspdb_user -pdspdb_password < $f && echo "Success"; done
Update your configuration files @ /home/ffxi/dsp/conf
Login as ffxi.
At this point you can use 'screen' to background /home/ffxi/dsp/dsconnect, /home/ffxi/dsp/dsgame, and /home/ffxi/dsp/dssearch or you can use Ubuntu's "Upstart" configuration files to run each at startup.
Undecipherable data here: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html
'screen' here:http://linux.die.net/man/1/screen
I am currently using four (4) upstart configs, three (3) are standard standard upstart scripts with no start conditions (one each for dsconnect, dsgame, dssearch), and one (1) config is configured as a prestart script:
Example of my dsconnect upstart script:
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nano /etc/init/dsconnect.conf
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root@ffxi:/home/ffxi/dsp# cat /etc/init/dsconnect.conf
# DSConnect
description "Start DS Lobby Login Server"
stop on stopping dsp
cd /home/ffxi/dsp
end script
My pre-start upstart script:
Code: Select all
root@ffxi:/home/ffxi/dsp# cat /etc/init/dsp.conf
# DSP FFXI Server...
description "Start DSP FFXI Server"
start on started networking
stop on stopping networking
stop on starting shutdown
pre-start script
start dsconnect
start dsgame
start dssearch
end script
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start dsp -or- restart dsp -or- restart dgame
Additionally, for MySQL management install phpmyadmin:
Code: Select all
apt-get install phpmyadmin
That's all I've got at the moment.