Unlock advanced jobs?

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Unlock advanced jobs?

Post by Anatolille » Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:47 pm

I'm attempting to manually create a character that has a set of advanced jobs unlocked and levelled - essentially, to eventually recreate my group's old characters as they were when we all quit. I would prefer to do this through the database, as I'm also (eventually) going to add equipment and change other character settings.

Long story short, I see where in the char_jobs table to set the job levels (that's easy enough), but the jobs don't appear when I log in with the affected character. I suspect that the limiting factor is the "unlocked" field in the same table, if for no other suspicion than its name. I found it suspicious that its default value - 126 (0x7E) - has 6 set bits and that there are 6 by-default unlocked jobs. Is this a correct correlation? If so, then which bits in this field correspond to which jobs?

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Re: Unlock advanced jobs?

Post by kjLotus » Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:54 pm

Anatolille wrote:I found it suspicious that its default value - 126 (0x7E) - has 6 set bits and that there are 6 by-default unlocked jobs. Is this a correct correlation?
Anatolille wrote:If so, then which bits in this field correspond to which jobs?

Code: Select all

	JOB_NON				= 0,
	JOB_WAR				= 1,
	JOB_MNK				= 2,
	JOB_WHM				= 3,
	JOB_BLM				= 4,
	JOB_RDM				= 5,
	JOB_THF				= 6,
	JOB_PLD				= 7,
	JOB_DRK				= 8,
	JOB_BST				= 9,
	JOB_BRD				= 10,
	JOB_RNG				= 11,
	JOB_SAM				= 12,
	JOB_NIN				= 13,
	JOB_DRG				= 14,
	JOB_SMN				= 15,
	JOB_BLU				= 16,
	JOB_COR				= 17,
	JOB_PUP				= 18,
	JOB_DNC				= 19,
	JOB_SCH				= 20,
	JOB_GEO				= 21,
	JOB_RUN				= 22
thus, 0x1FFFFE should be for all jobs minus Adoulin jobs (since they don't really work)

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Re: Unlock advanced jobs?

Post by Anatolille » Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:03 pm


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Re: Unlock advanced jobs?

Post by masterurat » Mon May 05, 2014 2:20 am

So tot calculate total jobs unlocked:

WAR = +2
MNK = +4
WHM = +8
BLM = +16
RDM = +32
THF = +64
PLD = +128
DRK = +256
BST = +512
BRD = +1024
RNG = +2048
SAM = +4096
NIN = +8192
DRG = +16384
SMN = +32768
BLU = +65536
COR = +131072
PUP = +262144
DNC = +524288
SCH = +1048576
GEO = +2097152
RUN = +4194304

Add up total values to get the unlocked jobs.

2+4+8+16+32+64+1024+524288 = 525438

Setting it to 525438 should have all those jobs unlocked.

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Re: Unlock advanced jobs?

Post by bluekirby0 » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:33 am

Or just binary 00010000000010001111110 setting flags from right to left if its easier to visualize that way (then convert to decimal with your handy calculator).

Default is 1111110 and then add 1 << 10 for BRD and 1 << 19 for DNC...so on and so forth.

There is also everyone's favorite online calculator...
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%2 ... C%3C+19%29

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