Need help with fixing broken NPC
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:24 pm
I'm currently trying to fix Sanraku to trigger the ZNM system properly, but I'm having a couple issues:
1. I can trigger all his CS's manually, but he will not react to just the standard enter press
2. I've checked his table, and not just his ID, but all IDs seem to be off by 12 numbers when compared with the wiki list.
(EG, wiki says his number is 16982556, mine says 16982568)
He's not missing, he looks like he's supposed to, his interactions are all there. What am I missing?
EDIT: His script is there and matches latest on the git, and his assistant is functioning properly as well. I just need to connect him to his script it seems.
I'm currently trying to fix Sanraku to trigger the ZNM system properly, but I'm having a couple issues:
1. I can trigger all his CS's manually, but he will not react to just the standard enter press
2. I've checked his table, and not just his ID, but all IDs seem to be off by 12 numbers when compared with the wiki list.
(EG, wiki says his number is 16982556, mine says 16982568)
He's not missing, he looks like he's supposed to, his interactions are all there. What am I missing?
EDIT: His script is there and matches latest on the git, and his assistant is functioning properly as well. I just need to connect him to his script it seems.