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MIDs and Server Graphics

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:32 pm
by xelloss
Not sure if this is the correct forum for this. Mods please move if more appropriate elsewhere.

So I've been playing around with custom sets, mainly using Judge's Gear and MIDs with custom latents that correspond to levels of the character to allow for solo play. There is a newer set of gear out that I liked the look of, specifically the Gorney set. Obv. as a new set of gear it has no MID, in fact nothing is in the db at all for it yet. No issue, log in on GM character and start packetting.

First note: The wiki is outdated with regards to MIDs. The MID for the Gorney set has proved to be 354; ie higher than the claimed 337. I have no idea how high it goes beyond this, or what affect this has on weapons. Yay back to finding everything by counting one up every single time.

Second note: An amusing side effect of this process is that I've learned you can make the login server and play server show different equipment.
Apparently if you don't zone / change gear after doing appearance packet modifications, this can happen. Rebooting the server and client has no effect, you must zone or change gear. Gave my sleep deprived brain a doubletake.

Re: MIDs and Server Graphics

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:36 pm
by kjLotus
the login server is just reading the model id of your equipped gear from the database, it has no idea if you injected or modified appearance packets to your game server (since that isn't reported back to the server from the client)

at any rate, there's probably not gonna be any adoulin items in the db for a long time (it's even missing the model IDs of late voidwatch gear)

Re: MIDs and Server Graphics

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:02 am
by xelloss
Oh, I know. Most of the items above 75 are not implemented, which is fine. My point was a) the wiki is outdated with regards to MIDs for anyone that is looking, specifically:
At the moment, armor mIds seem to go up to around 0x151/337. Weapons go up to about 0x259 or 601. There are gaps by the way, just to keep things interesting.
The previous 'find the gaps method' won't work since the items are higher than specified here ( I found a few more gaps going up as well but everything I tested above 337 getting to 354 was armor, not weapons ); and b) don't do things when tired.

Re: MIDs and Server Graphics

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:12 pm
by kjLotus
xelloss wrote:My point was a) the wiki is outdated with regards to MIDs for anyone that is looking, specifically
yeah, it doesn't get too many updates

are you volunteering yourself to update it?? :D