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trying to make an update to my server

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:35 am
by CharlieFrost
Hello Team,

Last night I made a change in dsp/src/map/ai/ai_char_normal.cpp to lower the reengage delay. this is done mainly to help mnk not have to wait 30 seconds between battles. How am I supposed to get this change to take. I deleted the three game server files from dsp/ and recompiled. should I have just restarted the game server? I was afraid to do the latter as the last few times I have tried to make a change in c++ I always break the server somehow. Please advise.

Re: trying to make an update to my server

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:29 pm
by TeoTwawki
Recompiling should have made your changes to that file (assuming the changed code is correct) have the effect in game. src changes always require a compile.

Re: trying to make an update to my server

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:53 pm
by CharlieFrost
are these the only three files I need to delete before recompile?
2015-01-10 12_54_16-D__FFXI Source_darkstar.png
The three files I deleted
2015-01-10 12_54_16-D__FFXI Source_darkstar.png (3.85 KiB) Viewed 5814 times

Re: trying to make an update to my server

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:16 pm
by atom0s
They should automatically be deleted when you recompile as long as they are not in use.

Re: trying to make an update to my server

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:25 am
by aventinus
I have tried the same thing and recompiled but still have the delay. Just cant figure this one out.
Line 316 in ai_char_normal.cpp
I changed this line: m_LastMeleeTime = m_Tick - m_PChar->m_Weapons[SLOT_MAIN]->getDelay() + 1500;
to this: m_LastMeleeTime = m_Tick - m_PChar->m_Weapons[SLOT_MAIN]->getDelay() + 0;

Is there something else that needs to be changed?