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Certain Settings not taking effect
Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 5:26 pm
by Desufire
This isn't a huge issue, just an annoying one.
There are a few things in the settings file that seem to not take effect. I have Relic_2nd_Upgrade set to 1 real life day, 3rd_Upgrade for 1 real life hour, Bard Song to 2, and Bard Instrument to 3.
Relics still take a week for 2-3 and Bard songs are default 1 and 2. Anyone else ever have this issue and figure out why?
I'm going to keep trying to figure it out of course and will post if I find the answer.
Re: Certain Settings not taking effect
Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 5:47 pm
by kjLotus
not sure about relics, but when I rewrote the bard stuff I didn't know the setting existed so I never took it into account
i should just get rid of the setting
Re: Certain Settings not taking effect
Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:36 am
by Desufire
kjLotus wrote:not sure about relics, but when I rewrote the bard stuff I didn't know the setting existed so I never took it into account
i should just get rid of the setting
So basically, ignore it because it's useless and does nothing? Okay

I was asked if I could extend the song durations. Does that setting work or is it like the other?
Re: Certain Settings not taking effect
Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:56 am
by TeoTwawki
Kjlotus wrote:i should just get rid of the setting
Theres a bunch of them that need nuked, but a few I'd like to fix. I think the bard song limits can easily be replicated by manipulating a mod now and if so that makes its presence a little bloaty anyway. The limbus thing i added ages ago can go too. I think several of the ones related to spells simply never worked or have been long broken, but I'm kind of fond of adjusting drk absorbs so they last longer. Maybe make ol Teo a list of what can stay and what can go, and later I clean it up?
Re: Certain Settings not taking effect
Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:45 am
by kjLotus
there's a setting for klimaform and klimaform isn't even implemented lol
Re: Certain Settings not taking effect
Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 4:51 am
by Desufire
Okay, here's another. Mob minimum and maximum level? I've increased it on my server, but players are finding that mobs begin checking Too Weak at 85 when sites say they should be levels 100-105 (Gustav Tunnel for example). I also enabled all the expansions thinking that may help.
Should I set the mob levels to 0 for unlimited or is this something I need to adjust in an sql/src?
Re: Certain Settings not taking effect
Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 9:37 am
by TeoTwawki
Desufire wrote:Okay, here's another. Mob minimum and maximum level? I've increased it on my server, but players are finding that mobs begin checking Too Weak at 85 when sites say they should be levels 100-105 (Gustav Tunnel for example). I also enabled all the expansions thinking that may help.
Should I set the mob levels to 0 for unlimited or is this something I need to adjust in an sql/src?
Its supposed to cap down the 2 fields in the sql, setting to zero will rely solely on the sql for the mobs level data. The sql is supposed to be retail accurate and that setting exists for the old school crowd.
Re: Certain Settings not taking effect
Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:14 pm
by Desufire
teotwawki wrote:Desufire wrote:Okay, here's another. Mob minimum and maximum level? I've increased it on my server, but players are finding that mobs begin checking Too Weak at 85 when sites say they should be levels 100-105 (Gustav Tunnel for example). I also enabled all the expansions thinking that may help.
Should I set the mob levels to 0 for unlimited or is this something I need to adjust in an sql/src?
Its supposed to cap down the 2 fields in the sql, setting to zero will rely solely on the sql for the mobs level data. The sql is supposed to be retail accurate and that setting exists for the old school crowd.
Okay. It just seems like some mobs aren't leveled properly. In Garliage, theres a GoV page that involves bats and beetles on the ground floor. The Beetles check T while the Bats check TW. We used a GM and kept delvling down until the bats checked EP. By then, the Beetles checked IT++ so it's stumping me. I was hoping there was something I could adjust to fix this, but as of now, we're shortcutting it to just keep the bats off that GoV page.
EDIT: Looking in the mob_groups sql using Navicat. Gonna check the levels against the info other sites provide. I'm sure it's all correct, so I'll most likely be adjusting these lvls to meet my server preference.
EDIT2:: After looking thru all the mob family sqls, pool ids, and mob groups, I've found that it looks like Chamber Beetles are the lvls that the Fortalice Bats should be. I also could not find some of the mob names in any of the scripts either. So, I'm completely stumped on how to go about fixing this or if this was intentional.
Code: Select all
10762 689 200 330 0 504 0 0 92 96 0
mob_pools - Chamber Beetles 56-58
Re: Certain Settings not taking effect
Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 7:27 pm
by TeoTwawki
Well then, pull request the sql change to make them the level they are supposed to be.

glitched post, whasf fix your forum!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:05 am
by TeoTwawki