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updating server @.@

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 1:40 am
by darkwarrior1588
ok so me and my friend have been at this for awhile now we keep reading in the forums discussions of abyssea and other content from later addons. we noticed our server was obviously out of date so we attempted forking as far as i know everything was done right we do a git sync and pull it says everythings up to date but then we try our server out and its still quite broken although the npcs in abbysea are working now or at least they respond.

what are we missing, from what i understand in the forums the darkstar server used to update has this content?

Re: updating server @.@

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 10:35 am
by whasf
If you just updated your client for the retail patch this month, an update to darkstar was just done to align the NPCs. If something else is broken, please be more specific.

Re: updating server @.@

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 11:50 pm
by Desufire
darkwarrior1588 wrote:ok so me and my friend have been at this for awhile now we keep reading in the forums discussions of abyssea and other content from later addons. we noticed our server was obviously out of date so we attempted forking as far as i know everything was done right we do a git sync and pull it says everythings up to date but then we try our server out and its still quite broken although the npcs in abbysea are working now or at least they respond.

what are we missing, from what i understand in the forums the darkstar server used to update has this content?
if you run Win 7 and think you've missed something, go to viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2568.

Keep in mind that only so much gets done according to how many people are working on it. Some people, like myself, have taken to scripting equipment items while others have taken to scripting missions/quests. So on and so on. So even though Abyssea can be accessed and the NPCs may respond and act right, some other stuff, important or not, may not be finished and thus, appear broken.

Re: updating server @.@

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 3:27 pm
by darkwarrior1588
That was the exact guide we followed thx for the info