Okay, so upgraded to VC2015 ( that was a trip, apparently it doesn't install C++ by default and the setup options are not intuitive ). Cleaned and rebuilt. Connect and Search are working fine, Game is not.
Running game server normally results in:
"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application."
Using VC Studio debugger provides the following information:
"Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF9A7BAC180 (ntdll.dll) in DSGame-server_64.exe: 0xC000007B: %hs is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. Error status 0x."
Latest Build Issues
Re: Latest Build Issues
Amplifying information from Dependency Walker:

Re: Latest Build Issues
I just pulled latest source about 10 minutes ago and it starts up fine for me..
-- Whasf
Re: Latest Build Issues
Do you build 32bit or 64bit? It's taking me a while to do builds with VC2015, not sure what's up with that but it's a lot slower than previous work with 2013 for me.
64 bit isn't working. It looks like libzmq.dll and lua51.dll are loading x86 dependencies as noted in dependency walker. I concur, 32bit builds work. My last build prior to today was on the 18th and things still functioned okay.
64 bit isn't working. It looks like libzmq.dll and lua51.dll are loading x86 dependencies as noted in dependency walker. I concur, 32bit builds work. My last build prior to today was on the 18th and things still functioned okay.
Re: Latest Build Issues
Yeah, can confirm it's a driver issue. Not sure how to fix it. Way to make 64 bit build work:
Changed files libzmq_64.dll, libzmq-d_64.dll, and lua51_64.dll to remove the _64 name ( and placed *.test extention on the 32 bit ones ). 64 bit server runs fine. Looks like a bad link maybe? It's still telling it to pull data from the 32 bit dlls?
Edit: This isn't really a solution set for me, since the only one I build as x64 is game server. I forget where I read, but I recall in the past issues with x64 builds and statements that really lobby and search didn't need the x64 set anyway.
Changed files libzmq_64.dll, libzmq-d_64.dll, and lua51_64.dll to remove the _64 name ( and placed *.test extention on the 32 bit ones ). 64 bit server runs fine. Looks like a bad link maybe? It's still telling it to pull data from the 32 bit dlls?
Edit: This isn't really a solution set for me, since the only one I build as x64 is game server. I forget where I read, but I recall in the past issues with x64 builds and statements that really lobby and search didn't need the x64 set anyway.
Re: Latest Build Issues
yeah.. I made a note of it in the wiki for setup though, so hopefully nobody else has that problemxelloss wrote:that was a trip, apparently it doesn't install C++ by default and the setup options are not intuitive ).
as for the wrong DLLs, i'll take a look, I rebuilt zmq last night and lua a few days before, so it won't be hard to fix
Re: Latest Build Issues
should be all good now