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Mysql update wierd

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:19 am
by tabitaru

Re: Mysql update wierd

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:15 pm
by whasf
Idk... I never update server software unless there's a bug fixed that I'm experiencing or a feature I want/need. Sounds like it reset the root user/pass, not hard to recover from though. It's always a good idea to create at least one other superuser account that can only login from localhost anyways :)

Re: Mysql update wierd

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:00 pm
by TeoTwawki
I had what you describe happen once..My solution was remove mysql entirely and install mariadb instead, since mysql's installer is such a turd that almost every major update I allowed it to do something or other would always misbehave.

If you wanna stick with mysql community edition, its possible to reset that admin password from the command line. A full uninstall-reinstall will let you (again) set the admin password for it as well. No idea how/why it lost/wiped the admin password.

Re: Mysql update wierd

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:22 am
by tabitaru

Re: Mysql update wierd

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:41 am
by TeoTwawki
Lol, no it's weirder than that, it removed the Server Admin password the machine itself!
WTF... :o I don't even know how.. we dunno how he dun it but we know he dun it! /bugsbunnyreference
is it a difficult migration?
Its real easy. Whoever made maria's installer thought of everything - even allowing it to run alongside an existing mysql installation, and doesn't try to insist on using a predetermined location like mysql's does by contrast mysql's devs didn't think of anything a user might actually DO, when they made theirs (just changing from the default location breaks mysql as soon as the **er updates if not sooner -_-) .

Besides my DarkStar server for FFXI I have several webservers and storage server and the like to manage ..Only one of my servers still has actual MySQL now, the rest I have moved to MariaDB. That straggler is from my not having an opportunity to give it any downtime. I still use the workbench and notifier apps that came with my MySQL setups before because I am used to having those, and because I don't much care for the editor that came packed with MariaDB. Luckily we can mix and match - its all compatible.