Devuan Jessie i386 alpha4 netboot Server Setup Guide *Edited
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:43 pm
*Edited May 16th, 2016 realized I forgot to add the the libraries needed to build gcc5*
This is a guide to get Darkstar working on Devuan. Which is a new branch of Linux branching off of Debian. The main reason I use this OS is init freedom. I do not like the limits the init that comes with most versions of Linux now. For the most part this is very similar to building on Ubuntu so anyone that is used to Ubuntu or any other Debian based system should be able to follow this. If anyone has any questions post here message me I would be glad to help in anyway that I can.
Building Darkstar on Devuan
OS Verison: Devuan Jessie i386 alpha4 netboot
I only install basic and ssh on my systems though they do have desktop options.
Once base system is setup log into root.
enter your root password
Install the required programs
Download and install gcc5
This is a bit of a process though if you follow this guide should not have an issue.
Grab the source from git
Compile the source
Setting up MySQL
Setting up MySQL passwords/database
Populate the database
*! If this is a upgrade this will override all of you server information!!!!
Set Zone IP
Configuring Server edit with your database information
Start servers and exit root!
This is a guide to get Darkstar working on Devuan. Which is a new branch of Linux branching off of Debian. The main reason I use this OS is init freedom. I do not like the limits the init that comes with most versions of Linux now. For the most part this is very similar to building on Ubuntu so anyone that is used to Ubuntu or any other Debian based system should be able to follow this. If anyone has any questions post here message me I would be glad to help in anyway that I can.
Building Darkstar on Devuan
OS Verison: Devuan Jessie i386 alpha4 netboot
I only install basic and ssh on my systems though they do have desktop options.
Once base system is setup log into root.
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# su
Install the required programs
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# apt-get install git mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libzmq3-dev autoconf pkg-config build-essential gdb libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp3-dev
This is a bit of a process though if you follow this guide should not have an issue.
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# cd /opt
# wget
# tar xzf gcc-*.tar.gz
# mkdir objdir
# cd objdir
# $PWD/../gcc-5.3.0/configure --prefix=$HOME/gcc-5.3.0 --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go
# make
# make install
# cd /usr/bin
# rm cc gcc c++ g++
# ln -s /root/gcc-5.3.0/bin/gcc cc
# ln -s /root/gcc-5.3.0/bin/gcc gcc
# ln -s /root/gcc-5.3.0/bin/c++ c++
# ln -s /root/gcc-5.3.0/bin/g++ g++
# cp /root/gcc-5.3.0/lib/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
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cd /
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# git clone
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# cd darkstar
# sh
# ./configure --enable-debug=gdb
# make
Setting up MySQL passwords/database
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# mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER 'darkstar'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
USE dspdb;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dspdb.* TO 'darkstar'@'localhost';
*! If this is a upgrade this will override all of you server information!!!!
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# cd /darkstar/sql
# for f in *.sql
echo -n "Importing $f into the database..."
mysql dspdb -u darkstar -ppassword < $f && echo "Success"
# cd ..
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# mysql -u darkstar -ppassword
USE dspdb;
UPDATE zone_settings SET zoneip = '';
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# cd /darkstar/conf
# vim login_darkstar.conf
# vim map_darkstar.conf
# vim search_server.conf
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# exit (May have to do more than once! Do till out of root!)
# cd /darkstar
# ./dsconnect
# ./dsgame
# ./dssearch