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Personal Opinion Request Vote If You Agree!

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:50 pm
by WiiStream
I personaly would like to see the core get three database connection.
Why well for one database we could connect to the accounts, and the account system, this would be good if we have our website off server host. And also for users to register on site and as they do they also register for the game..

Database one Login or Connect Server Option.
Database two Characters Server Option.
Database three World Server Options.

It would also be nice to have in the snv or svn in the sql folder the three databases
Example sql/login
Example sql/char
Example sql/world
This would have all the files needed for the server. but as you update it would be nice to have extra information
Example sql/login/updates/
Example sql/char/updates/
Example sql/world/updates/

It's just my opinion and it would be really nice if you agree vote.

Re: Personal Opinion Request Vote If You Agree!

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:46 pm
by atom0s
If this happens, I'd suggest making it an option to do this as I'd rather not have to maintain 3 databases when all my servers are on the same machine. Easier having them all in a single db imo.

Re: Personal Opinion Request Vote If You Agree!

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:09 am
by PrBlahBlahtson
I still don't fully understand what's being asked for here, or if there's a purpose to it beyond "well it would be more convenient to me." Lobby-server handles the incoming logins and character selection, and then hands you off to map-server so you can wander around the world.

As for updates, that would become a substantial burden to keep maintained just because some people don't understand ALTER TABLE syntax. Hell, Not everyone updates their server everyday, so we'd have to maintain an archive and variety of upgrade scripts on the SVN.

Re: Personal Opinion Request Vote If You Agree!

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:22 am
by atom0s
The only thing I see being useful for this is if you actually cluster your servers, but I doubt anyone is running a private server with that much traffic that requires this or anything close to it. The db itself is fairly small as it is, so there isn't much point to split it into separate parts.