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Client not work without WotG

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:13 pm
by buddysievers
I thought i could "remove" the npcs from wotg and abyssea cus i dont really want them for my server but after updating the client i couldnt connect to the server anymore.
so my question is do i need wotg at all or do i have to change the servers version to the one of my client after updating?
because if the version isnt correct some things wont work as they should but basicly i should have the newest version even without wotg installed or im wrong?
thx in advance! :)

Re: Client not work without WotG

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:13 am
by buddysievers
ok i just had to change the version number of the server to match with the one from the client.
so far i had no crashs or such and i think it should be ok without wotg and soa when the client is fully updated.