Greetings from a vet, friend, and administrator!
My name...well, look at my username. I currently administer Shinra Project with a gentle caress (I'm going for opposite of an Iron Fist here...sorry if it didn't work). Our server is already a growing server with an active economy, player base, and GM staff. Why should you consider Shinra Project? Well son, let me tell you.
Our GM staff currently is one of the best, most helpful, and funnest in the realm of FFXI. We have personal developers who work full-time to make this game the best around, up to retail standards. We have most if not all missions completed and much more I will explain here in a minute. But overall, this server is, in my opinion, and will be the best one to come and hang out in.
Some additional features we run:
- Server Status: Always online (except for updates, obviously)
- Starting gil: 1,000,000G for your first character. After the first character, 10G.
- Level cap: 75 (will be increased gradually as content is completed)
- All Maps UNLOCKED!
- Experience rate: 4x Retail
- Movement speed: 2x Retail
- Combat skill rate: 5x Retail
- Combat skill rate: 2x Retail
- Teamspeak Server online!
- Personal IRC Chat Channel online!
- Gil drop off of ALL mobs with increased gil drop rate!
- NO RE ENGAGE DELAY! -- "REALLY??!" -- Yep.
- Custom NPC's with gear that is currently unobtainable.
- Custom food to make your leveling life even easier!
- A more advanced server than other private servers, in my opinion.
- Aht Urghan completed up to Mission 15.
- CoP completed up to Mission 8-4.
- Zilart completed up to Mission 14.

Hope to see you in game soon! Any questions, feel free to PM me, Katrinka, on our forums or here!
