Valhalla Server (Mounts/Trusts/PvP/Dungeons)
Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Trusts/PvP/Dungeons)
August Update will be bringing big things. Hope to see you ingame!
Last edited by nilas on Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Fellows/PvP)
Was going to take a look but I was unable to find the server IP or Domain name, would probably be best at the very top. Tried to login to the forums but apparently I already exist. Lost interest at this point.I will come by another time to see If I can find the server addy.
Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Fellows/PvP)
Yeah sorry about that, seems it got misplaced, but its at the top again.
Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Fellows/PvP)
Popped on a few times, shout in the LS but no replies mostly. Fancied a quick chat.
Best Regards
Best Regards
Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Fellows/PvP)
Time zones always play a factor, but stop by any time.
Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Fellows/PvP)
Harvest Festival now live.
Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Fellows/PvP)
We're getting things ready to kick off the Starlight Celebration(Mini-games and Event bcnms), New mounts, server fixes, and more! In the coming week.
Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Fellows/PvP/Dungeons)
The Holidays have arrived, and with them the Starlight Celebration Begins.

Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Fellows/PvP/Dungeons)
March update has rolled out, Besieged now added.
Re: Valhalla Server (Mounts/Fellows/PvP/Dungeons)
Easter event is in full swing. Gather eggs, and get prizes.