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Realms of Jova - Fast, Casual server

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:46 pm
by fallen45078
Look. We get it. You're busy. Life is demanding. But that shouldn't stop you from being able to enjoy a fantastic game. For many of us, myself included, the fact is that you just don't have 20+ hours a week to dedicate to playing Final Fantasy. We have the place for you. I wont blow the forums up with the tiny details, I'll simply direct you to our forums: for detailed information.
We are a young server, only about two months old, so we don't have hundreds of members.... yet.
Here is what we are offering...
* Very high exp - we are geared toward the primarily solo player (10x standard rate)
* 2x movement speed
* Subjobs already unlocked
* Advanced jobs unlocked ( thats right, you can jump straight into a summoner without having to farm that damn ruby!)
* Working Astral Flow
* Level Cap = 99
* Fully stocked auction house (seriously, everything is on there!)
* And much more... full details available on our forums.
Come and help us build a community!
Server IP address: