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Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:19 pm
by Davenge
QuetzRebirth is a small but active server with a lot of fun customizations.

We are not an instant gratification server and seek to provide a retail-like experience with some new content and changes to make things easier when it comes to starting over again. We have an active website/forum that lists things like changes and things to come.

A quick hit in terms of changes:
Level Cap 75
Dual++++ Boxing Allowed
x2 Experience
x4 Experience from FoV
Custom Experience from GoV flooring at x1.5 exp at 75
We have a server linkshell that is given on character creation and a Leveling Incentive program.
We also feature an active HNM linkshell for people looking for the oldschool experience of Nidhogg, King Behemoth, Aspid, Tiamat, Cerberus, etc.
For a complete list of changes check out: ... omizations

Come join us and have fun but make sure to read the rules(the least fun thing we have is rules, QQ)!

Re: QuetzRebirth

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:36 am
by tagban
I miss HNM camping. Might actually jump on. If you can post the server address so I can throw it into my config.

Re: QuetzRebirth

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:36 pm
by Davenge
bump! Just turned a year old! Still going!