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Xor Server (Scripting)

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:02 am
by Bitroot
Server IP: network Rikcrea-FFXI)(if anyone has any good idea to have a free service like noip feel free to contact me)

We just opened a small server for script testing.
It's not that stable(it's not online 24/7) but we are working to do so.
We are playing and developing regardless if people join or not, so we will stay online for a long time.

All expansions: yes
Level Cap: 99 GENKAI from 1 to 5 active
Advanced Jobs: from lvl 30
Starting Gil: 1,000,000
Starting Inventory: 30
All Maps: Yes
Outpost: All Unlocked(atm)
Widescan: BST RNG
Speed: x +20(just to help mages a lil bit)
Drop Rate: x10
All Mobs Drop Gill: yes
Max Merits: 30

Auction House
Starting with a stock of 50 pieces, but we are not going to populate it anymore, ppl must provide for themselves

EXP Rate: x10
EXP loss: x10 from levl 5
EXP penalties on party level gap: Yes
Level Sync: Yes

Quest Gil Rate: x10
Quest Fame Rate: x10

Fov/GoV Alliance: Yes
EXP penalties on Party level gap in FoV/GoV: No
Fov Exp Rate: x20
Fov Tabs Rate: x20
No wait for Fov, GoV

Guild Point Rate: x10
Guild Contracts: yes
Craft Skillup Chance: x9
Craft Skillup Amount: x0.9
Day Matters: Yes
Moon Phase/Direction: yes

Spell Power: x2
Weapon Skill Power: x2
Weapon Skill Points: x10
Dia and Bio don't stack
Milk and Regen don't stack
Refresh and Juice don't stack
Barspells and songs will stack
Max Songs: 3 without Instrument, 5 with

Harvesting, Excavation, Logging, Mining Rate = 90% Break chance .1%

Land Kings: timed spawn (normal times for now)
All NM's are 2 times more powerfull than normal so some team up will be needed

Dynamis Wait: 1 day
Dynamis Min Level: 65 as standard
Timeless Hour Glass: 50,000gil
Relic Upgrades: 5 min wait

Weapon Skill NM level: 65

Homepoint: Full Heal

COP zone cap (Including missions): yes

Multiple Experience Rings Use and Amount: Yes

Limbus Wait: yes

Abyssea is nearly working correctly and empyrean NM are scripted in the right way.

New equipments on the way along with new quests.

If you need to ask questions come online and /tell Bitroot or join Xor main linkshell(Crisalis)


Re: Xor Server (Scripting)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:36 am
by sabriuae
Server IP:
server is off-line?
Y all good state server never last?