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Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:39 pm
by whasf
Want to play like it was 1999 (or so?)
Want to have fun and enjoy leveling?
Want to re-live what it was like when the server first got started and having cool stuff actually meant something?
I put another server up!
- Exp rate: 1.1
- Auction house is empty
- You start with 10 gil
- Potion & Ether power is 1.0
- All NPCs are "stock" (No Reet to give you all the maps and such!)
- Abyssea is disabled
- SpeedMod is 10 (you move a little faster than the monsters)
- "Classic" skill ups
The only "perk" is the Explorer Moogles
Point Ashita/Windower ffxiboot to
This server will receive all updates to the source/scripts as they become available, just like the official test server.
Re: Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:03 pm
by sprinkle
it says test will the server be wiped? its empty but id play there if i didnt get deleted if it was rolled or changed
Re: Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:10 pm
by whasf
It's not going to be wiped, it's code will be updated (semi)-regularly. Should be more regular starting this weekend. This server here is more of a play server than a test one.
Re: Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:30 pm
by sprinkle
will it ever catch on ? server seems awesome but i was the only person on it , was it popular at one point
also , it was hard to find the ip i looked hard
can you add skill to fishing please?
Re: Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:02 am
by Flunklesnarkin
I imagine the server will catch on eventually. EMU communities don't spring up overnight ;p
From what I've seen on other game emu's I've tried, EMU's normally start off on easy mode so people can play casually and catch bugs without too much drama / rage.
Then as the server becomes less buggy the population grows. Abyssea has only been out for a few years, give people a chance to miss old school ffxi and they will come looking for it again.
I've seen servers have only 20 people online for a first year or so its existence then jump up to a few thousand when it reached nearly bug free state. It appears there is still lots of work to be done and some players don't like to beta test (the freeloaders!!).
I'll make a character on the old school server and mess around on it some. Probably split my game time between that and the easy mode server.
It can be easier to test bugs on easy mode which can be helpful in correctly identifying and writing up bugs.
It ultimately helps to have easy mode servers more popular before the hard mode server gets big. Less of a GM headache for refunding angry players for lost items / exp / etc. On an easy mode server it, might not be worth the effort of bugging a gm to get a refund on something when all the items are easy to get.
Re: Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:17 am
by Flunklesnarkin
For anybody wondering how to log on
Here is the guide for installing the game. ... our_Client
You need the mXL to log on.
There is a new version of mXL that I was able to use on this server.
Created by Jescin. mXL version 1.4 (the guide has mXI 0.91_Darkstar version listed) ... e.php?id=8
Once you edit the IP in the config file just run the connect.bat file and it will prompt you to create an account. Once you create an account, you should be all good to log on.
Re: Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:10 am
by Arcturne
I've been playing on this server today, and aside from obvious emulatory stuff and being entirely alone, up to this point everything has run retail perfect. I'll be sticking around for a while. Glad to see the servers are playing so much better than they were last time I looked (about a year ago, combat wasn't even working yet.) I'm still getting used to PC controls, as I played on PS2 back in the day. Minus being menu makes absolutely no sense, but I'm figuring it out. Started in San d'Oria.
Re: Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:19 am
by Flunklesnarkin
I started a couple weeks ago myself, I've been putting some lowbie gear on the AH but if you see me shoot me a tell, I can toss you a weapon.
Re: Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:06 pm
by Silverwolf
Where should we report bugs? I have 4 or 5 of my family and friends playing on here. It's been running pretty good but we are coming across some bugs and challenges.
Re: Darkstar Old-School server
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:09 pm
by PrBlahBlahtson just like everyone else.
Please keep in mind that "not implemented" such as guild shops not working does not constitute "a bug."