Manipulating Individual Mob Stats

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Manipulating Individual Mob Stats

Post by R3P0 » Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:23 am

Just wondering if anyone here has the instructions or a good guide on hoe to manipulate individual mob stats such as str dex int atk def eva etc. The mob_groups.sql file only gives the base leveling options for level and hp, I am looking to go a little deeper on some mobs. These instructions would be much appreciated.

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Re: Manipulating Individual Mob Stats

Post by demolish » Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:31 pm


Code: Select all

function onMobSpawn(mob)
    if(mob:getID() == id_goes_here) then
        do shit;
    elseif(mob:getID() == id_goes_here) then
        do shit;
where id_goes_here is the mob's id and 'do shit' does shit e.g. mob:setHP(9001)
<Giblet[NewBrain]> kj with this first step would be fine on my shit
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Re: Manipulating Individual Mob Stats

Post by kjLotus » Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:18 pm

you can also add any modifier in mob_spawn_mods.sql for specific IDs

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