New issue of the day. There isn't much information but here is my problem:
I freshly created this server, sourced in all brand new SQL and created my account with the ffxi-bootmod Boot, bootmod spit back account was created successfully and I went to login and this is what I see
Code: Select all
[03/Oct 15:36][1;37m[Info][0m login_parse:[1;37m<darkone>[0m was connected
[03/Oct 15:36][1;37m[Info][0m lobbydata_parse: [1;37mdarkone[0m shutdown the socket
[03/Oct 15:36][1;37m[Info][0m lobbydata_parse: [1;37mdarkone[0m's login_session_data is deleted
There is some warnings as well:
Code: Select all
Found unknown command argument: Files
Found unknown command argument: <x86>\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\Final
Found unknown command argument: Fantasy
Found unknown command argument: XI\ffxi=bootmod\pol.exe
Found unknown command argument: /game
Found unknown command argument: eAZcFcB