Hello Again,
Firstly, I want to say how much I appreciate the help and support from these forums. I just recently set up a new server about a week ago and every time I run into an issue, people seem more than willing to assist me, and I really appreciate it.
I just re-installed my server onto a Windows 10 system because I was having some bugs on Linux, and many of those bugs seemed to have magically disappeared when running on Windows. With that said, the only issues I am currently seeing is that regions controlled by a nation don't have the correct NPCs at the outpost. For instance, In West Ronfaure, San d'oria is in control but Bastok NPCs are at the zone entrance and at the outpost. I tried searching the forums for any insight into fixing this and the only thing I came across was something about conquest.lua and conquestguards.lua but I am not sure if that has anything to do with my problem. Does anyone know what I can do to fix the outposts so the correct guards show up based on who controls the region? Thanks in advance
Conquest/Outpost Guards Help
Re: Conquest/Outpost Guards Help
go to conquest.lua in scripts/globals, the npcid's are there. That will dictate which npc's are at the outposts. Starts at line 580 or so. If they're incorrect, the npc's will be wrong.
Nasomi FFXI Community Server - Classic CoP era fun!
Re: Conquest/Outpost Guards Help
Thanks for the tip, I will check that when I get home. Does the conquest.lua also have control over what flags show up at the outpost. I noticed at some outposts controlled by a nation might have a different nations flag there as well as a beastmen flag, so there will be two flags at the outpost and then also have the wrong NPCs. I will check the conuest.lua when I get home, and I'm hoping that will resolve the flag issues also.
Re: Conquest/Outpost Guards Help
I got home and checked over the conquest.lua file and everything looks correct. The NPC IDs don't seem to be wrong. After further investigation I found that some regions are working perfectly fine, such as Zulkheim. But other regions, I'll use Ronfaure for example, show the correct NPC "Name" but the incorrect NPC and the incorrect flag. Currently Ronfure is under Sandy control, the NPC name is Doladepaiton, RK which is correct, but the NPC model and chat dialog is for the Bastok NPC Yoshihiro. The flag is also Bastok. Then at the end of the zone near La'Theine entrance, the NPC has the correct "R.K." NPC but is showing a galka, and the flag is flickering between Bastok and Sandy.
I am not sure if this is the cause or not, but I did have to change my server version.info from 30160429_1 to 30160329_1 because when trying to log in, I kept getting an error stating FFXI needed to be updated to match the server, but FFXI has the most recent update. Could this be causing the outpost NPC error?
I am not sure if this is the cause or not, but I did have to change my server version.info from 30160429_1 to 30160329_1 because when trying to log in, I kept getting an error stating FFXI needed to be updated to match the server, but FFXI has the most recent update. Could this be causing the outpost NPC error?
Re: Conquest/Outpost Guards Help
You would want to look at your npc_list table in sql, and compare yours to master, to see if there as an insert that shifted, which would alter appearance AND name. Appearance and name are tied together, if not i have no idea what you did, because models and names are dictated by the npcid, which is interprated by the client..
Nasomi FFXI Community Server - Classic CoP era fun!
Re: Conquest/Outpost Guards Help
OK I will take a look at that. I did not modify anything in the game, which is what is confusing me, all I did was pull the newest version off of github and then had to change the version.info back one number. Besides that, nothing else was modified or changed. I will check the npc_id table and see if I can figure out what is going on. Thanks for the help
Re: Conquest/Outpost Guards Help
The ID's for NPCs and dialogs get changed in nearly every client update. Your server version doesn't truly match your client version, and you had to adjust version.info to allow logins from the other client version. This, and zones where we haven't got everything fully re-synchronized (there are only a few), are why the wrong NPC's are there.Vils wrote:OK I will take a look at that. I did not modify anything in the game, which is what is confusing me, all I did was pull the newest version off of github and then had to change the version.info back one number. Besides that, nothing else was modified or changed. I will check the npc_id table and see if I can figure out what is going on. Thanks for the help
Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding