Unable to login when connecting from public IP

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Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:09 pm

Unable to login when connecting from public IP

Post by Laevetine » Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:27 pm

First thank you for the hard work that has gone into this project i have been enjoying things for some time now.

Thing is that it has been and private and now i have upgraded servers and wanting to take things public. I have followed the steps presented and set up zone IPs from local to public. Set ports in windows and router to the ones listed. I also tested the ports against a couple of different websites to test functionality as well as disabled all firewalls and antivirus in later testing.

However i still could not log in with public IP but i could still log in with local lan. Just logging in locally i could get to character select but i could not load in cause the zone IPs had been changed.

So i backed everything up and wiped everything out and started fresh with a new pull and set up everything nice and shiny with the external IP information where it is stated in the wiki.

Again unable to login or create account from trying the public IP. Yet still if i connect with local lan and change zone IPs to local everything works just fine. I have tested this with both windower and ashita and have gotten similar results. Also i had someone else try to connect and they were having the same issue.

I will attach some SS of things going on to hopefully help troubleshoot.

Thanks again for every ones hard work.
Logging in locally
Logging in with public IP

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:09 pm

Re: Unable to login when connecting from public IP

Post by Laevetine » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:32 am

After many sleepless hours i have figured out the problem.

I have a Linksys AC1900 router and as i was forwarding the ports there are setting for internal and external. Well i took it to reason that external was the listening and external was where the information was essentially going. So i set the external to the ports listed and the internal to the server port.

In reality these should be labeled send and receive or something along those lines. So while it was listening and receiving on the correct ports it was not sending it on the correct ones.

So i have matched up the internal and external with that everything is jiving just fine.

Thanks again for the hard work.

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