I'm not sure if its the lua script itself thats wrong, or the server reading the script wrong, or if I am just an idiot. but since I changed to using the new server files. [fresh machine, fresh compile, fresh database] I am having an issue with NPCs, specifically NPCs that do anything other than say... talk? SHOP NPCs and the like, taking an NPC from selbina for an example. when selected do nothing, and in the game servers ons creen logging, state this error:
[Error] luautils::OnTrigger: scripts/zones/Selbina/npcs/Torapiont.lua:22: attempt to index global 'TextID_Selbina' <A Nil Value>
Any fix for this? Or am I the only one with this issue?
DS Game server Lua script issues?
Re: DS Game server Lua script issues?
have you updated recently?