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Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:01 am
by cbk41

This is what I get everytime

Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:02 am
by cbk41
And here is the log info:

11/30/2014 04:01:37.176 3724 Debug DllMain hinstDLL: 0x684B0000 -- fdwReason: 1 -- lpvReserved: 0x00000000
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug AshitaCore::Ctor Class constructor called!
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug ConfigurationManager::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: addtochat
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: autotranslate
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: autotranslatethis
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: decryptpacket
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: encryptpacket
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: entityarray
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: inputthis
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: inventory
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: logfile
11/30/2014 04:01:37.197 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: parsecommand
11/30/2014 04:01:37.198 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: party
11/30/2014 04:01:37.198 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: player
11/30/2014 04:01:37.198 1764 Debug PointerManager::Initialize Loaded new pointer entry: target
11/30/2014 04:01:37.198 1764 Debug ResourceManager::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:37.198 1764 Debug DataManager::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:37.198 1764 Debug ChatManager::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:37.200 1764 Debug PacketManager::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:37.200 1764 Debug FontManager::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:37.200 1764 Debug GuiManager::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:37.200 1764 Debug PluginManager::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:38.667 2876 Debug Mine_Direct3DCreate8 Wrapping new instance of Direct3D8!
11/30/2014 04:01:38.683 2876 Debug newIDirect3D8::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:38.683 2876 Debug newIDirect3D8::dtor dtor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:38.683 2876 Debug Mine_Direct3DCreate8 Wrapping new instance of Direct3D8!
11/30/2014 04:01:38.683 2876 Debug newIDirect3D8::ctor ctor called..
11/30/2014 04:01:38.683 2876 Debug newIDirect3D8::dtor dtor called..

Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:12 am
by demolish
after updating ffxi, copy your 'data' folder from /PlayOnlineViewer/ to /FINAL FANTASY XI/

Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:27 am
by cbk41
demolish wrote:after updating ffxi, copy your 'data' folder from /PlayOnlineViewer/ to /FINAL FANTASY XI/
I had already done so. But I copied it over again to make sure and posted proof it was there lol. This has been so frustrating :/


Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:20 am
by cbk41
With the way the window pops up for a split second, it leads me to believe that POL cannot be accessed via the boot loader for some kind of reason. I think I might have a wonky file permission thing shutting it down. This is a fresh windows 7 install, and I'm trying to tackle this somehow by tweaking security/ownership stuff. I've followed everything to the tee and don't see many other reasons for this to occur like it has.

Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:42 pm
by whasf
right-click and running as administrator?

Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:59 pm
by atom0s
Delete a DAT file from your FFXI folder and run check files on FFXI again. From the look of it your FFXI install is either not complete or has not been registered to the system properly.

Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:08 pm
by TeoTwawki
"found unknown command argument"....

Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:34 pm
by cbk41
I'll try the file check again. But to clarify I'm always running everything as admin to be careful.

Re: Query for zone_settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:47 pm
by kjLotus
forgottenandlost wrote:"found unknown command argument"....
boot file: (...)program files(...) <-- bad
boot file: "(...) program files(...)" <-- good

if it has spaces, it needs quotes