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Help with portable client...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:41 am
by thespamcenter
I work in a lab environment where I can have time to play FFXI, but the problem is I'm not going to get the same PC all the time so I need to "install" it everytime I want to play. I have a portable solution on a USB 3.0 drive that works fine except for the client. Server works amazingly well, bravo to for the documentation which is superior to most Fortune 500 IT companies :)

I have all the FFXI related files, but I wonder if I can start stripping away files/folders that aren't necessary along with coming up with W7x64 registry and .dll batch files. I did google a bit and found the older registry guides and .dll batch scripts but they aren't working so I don't know if that's because of a mistake on my end or FFXI itself has changed over the years. I would also like to focus on a thinner client build as well. Do we really need PO and misc files for a FFXI client to connect to DSP?

There was an application a long time ago I worked with that would monitor a PC, let you install something, and then tell you all the changes made by the application. I can't find it anymore, and if anyone knew a more modern technique that works with virtual machines I could probably figure this all out on my own.

Re: Help with portable client...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:51 am
by bluekirby0
The FFXI client definitely needs a lot of stuff handled for install/uninstall and there are considerations based on the OS and architecture as well...i.e. a Win XP install is different from a Win Vista/7 install...and a Win 7 x86 install is different from a Win 7 x64 install.

If you intend to run it on basically one of dozens of the "same" computer then it shouldn't be much trouble. Just export the entire PlayOnline(US/EU/JP) folder under HKLM (and make sure to edit it based on the drive letter of your drive each time you plug it into a different machine) and have a cmd script that will attempt to regsvr32 every .dll (some will fail, but don't worry about it...they aren't all meant to work but trying to keep track of which ones need it and which don't is a pain).

If you aren't worried about leaving traces, you can leave the registry entries in-place when you are done, but it is best to run regsvr32 -u on all the .dll files when you are done so you don't get registry errors due to files not found (look up what regsvr32 actually does if you are confused on why this is important).

Re: Help with portable client...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:19 am
by thespamcenter
Well I did some testing with a virtual machine since I don't have any spare hardware at home. I'm still getting the same result, using Windows 7 x64, install from scratch works just fine connecting to the private server. Using a second virtual machine moving the entire directory structure, along with using the exported registry from the previous virtual machine and running a regsvr32 on every .dll in PlayOnline and FFXI folder, still getting the same issue.

I'll run the ffxi-boot.exe, login via the prompt, and before it closes it will crash before it loads up FFXI. It acts like a missing registry or missing registered .dll behavior which is why I am focusing on that.

My other problem is that I am doing this with the Steam version. I need to go find a copy of Ultimate edition at Best Buy, so I can perform faster installs and troubleshoot with less variables. That's why I was asking if someone did any work with a minimal version of the client. Do I really need PO? Seems like the server emulator bypasses that completely.

Also don't worry about the work computers, they run deep freeze.

Re: Help with portable client...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:33 pm
by bluekirby0
Some data from POL Viewer is used in character creation but not in general gameplay. This is why we have people copy the data folder in the client setup.