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R3524~error: Memory manager: args of aFree 0x02830064 is inv

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:18 pm
by ssjauron
[Status] Memory manager initialised: log/DSP.leaks
[Info] DarkStar - onetimexi - SVN Revision: Unknown.
[Status] do_init: begin server initialization...
[23:14:26][Info] Console Silent Setting: 0 - [OK]
[23:14:26][Status] do_init: map_config is reading - [OK]
[23:14:26][Status] luautils::init:lua initializing... - [OK]
[23:14:26][Status] cmdhandler::init: initializing... - [OK]
[23:14:26][Status] do_init: sqlhandle is allocating - [OK]
[23:14:26][Status] do_init: zlib is reading - [OK]
[23:14:26][Status] do_init: loading items - [OK]
[23:14:27][Status] do_init: loading spells - [OK]
[23:14:27][Status] do_init: loading zones[23:14:30][Debug] CZone::LoadNavMesh Na
vmesh loaded for (West_Ronfaure)
[23:14:38][Debug] UpdateWeather Finished
- [OK]
[23:14:38][Status] do_init: server is binding with port 54230 - [OK]
[23:14:38][Status] The map-server is ready to work...
[23:14:59][Info] mapsession: is coming to world...
[23:14:59][Error] Memory manager: args of aFree 0x02830064 is invalid pointer ..
\..\src\map\map.cpp line 231
[23:14:59][Error] Memory manager: args of aFree 0x02830084 is invalid pointer ..
\..\src\map\map.cpp line 232
[23:14:59][Status] luautils::free:lua free... - [OK]

The game server crashes. I've tried rebuilding. Is there a solution to this? Thanks,

Re: R3524~error: Memory manager: args of aFree 0x02830064 is

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:30 am
by bluekirby0
Thanks, you just helped find a bug!

Fixed in r3528.