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Game Server crash on loading r4470s

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:19 pm
by ssjauron
I'm getting Game Server crash in Windows 8 when I run DSGamer-server.exe. Around r4460-r4477.

There is no error, the Zones will start to load, then " mluautils::free free... [OK] " ; then windows says program has stopped working. ie: crashed

I'm using VS2013, .net 4.51, have 2013 runtimes, no error on compile in VS2013.

I reverted back to 4426, rebuilt and game server works fine. Maybe something was broken recently?

Re: Game Server crash on loading r4470s

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:29 pm
by kjLotus
run it from visual studio (f5) and you can see why it crashed

Re: Game Server crash on loading r4470s

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:09 pm
by ssjauron
loaded up r4477 in VS2013. Hit f5, compiled, gave error at the end something about 'can not run from basepath'

Server 4477 still crashes and output:
[Status] Memory manager initialised: log/DSP.leaks
[Info] DarkStar - SVN Revision: 4441.
[Status] do_init: begin server initialization...
[22:07:36][Info] Console Silent Setting: 0 - [OK]
[22:07:36][Status] do_init: map_config is reading - [OK]
[22:07:36][Status] luautils::init:lua initializing... - [OK]
[22:07:36][Status] do_init: sqlhandle is allocating - [OK]
[22:07:36][Status] do_init: zlib is reading - [OK]
[22:07:36][Status] do_init: loading items - [OK]
[22:07:38][Status] do_init: loading spells - [OK]
[22:07:38][Status] do_init: loading zones[22:07:40][Status] luautils::free:lua f
ree... - [OK]

Re: Game Server crash on loading r4470s

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:37 pm
by ssjauron

after installing VS2013 and .net stuff, don't build servers yet. Restart the computer like 5-6 times. clean build, re-update to latest revision and rebuild solved the problem.