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Questionable Raige

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:01 pm
by Raige
As I'm sure I will have many questions, I'm just making my own thread for my questions! haha.
To start:

I'm having trouble figuring out the @addmission~ etc commands.
-where could I find the logID/MissionID?

The Homepoints dont register being unlocked. So the Homepoint to Homepoint warping system doesn't work. Am I missing an update?

Thanks in advance. :)

Re: Questionable Raige

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:14 pm
by kjLotus
Raige wrote: I'm having trouble figuring out the @addmission~ etc commands.
-where could I find the logID/MissionID?
missions.lua and quests.lua
Raige wrote: The Homepoints dont register being unlocked. So the Homepoint to Homepoint warping system doesn't work. Am I missing an update?
a good rule of thumb: if it's been implemented on retail servers in the past 2 years, it probably doesn't work on DSP

the newer the feature, the lower the chance of being implemented (homepoint teleports was released a few months ago on retail)