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Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:50 pm
by Elkazan
Hi everyone. I've built a server for my wife and I to play on, and everything seems to be going very smoothly. So first, a huge thank you to everyone's efforts here. We appreciate it very much.

So my question is twofold: Is it normal that level 76+ gear does not work as it should (we're both 100% up to date client side and server side)? And if it is normal, is there any way to edit sqls so that they DO work? Right now, they're equippable, and everything displays the way it should on the characters, but stat bonuses (i.e: DEF, STR+, etc) are not being applied. Would be a shame if all this nice looking equipment was only good for fashion.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:00 am
by kjLotus
Elkazan wrote:Is it normal that level 76+ gear does not work as it should (we're both 100% up to date client side and server side)?
yep. the project is pretty much currently aimed at 75 only right now, so there hasn't been much effort or motivation for 76+ gear. some of it will work, but anything really new probably doesn't.
Elkazan wrote:And if it is normal, is there any way to edit sqls so that they DO work?
yes again, everything except DMG and combat skill type is in item_mods, and you'd add 1 row for every stat missing on every item. (DMG and combat skill type are in item_weapon)

and if you do get a bunch working, i would appreciate to see a pull request with them so everyone else can benefit!

Re: Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:03 am
by Elkazan
Wow, thanks for the quick reply Lotus!

I'm a bit confused by what you mean when you say "add 1 row for every stat missing"

Taking, for example a level 89 Unkai Domaru +2. The itemID is 11095. In item_mods, it appears as such:

INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 73, 10);

Do you mean to say that for each that is missing, I'd have to add (further down) the following:

-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- Unkai Domaru +2
-- -------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 1, 70); -- DEF:70
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 23, 17); -- Attack+17
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 89, 7); -- Great Katana Skill+7
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 73, 10); -- Store TP+10
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 306, ?); -- Enhances "Zanshin" Effect (by what value and how to find this value?)

It has a "set" augmentation stat, too, but I, for now can't even wrap my brain around that one.

Anyway, please correct anything that may be wrong here. I'd have no problem building the database, but I need to know I'm on the right track first.

Re: Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:08 am
by Elkazan
And I just now realized that the Store TP+10 line is in the original entry as it appears in item_mods currently. Would I just omit that line in adding it?

Re: Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:21 am
by Elkazan
And final question(s):

How do I make sense of this in item_weapon:

INSERT INTO `item_weapon` VALUES (16859,'bronze_spear_+1',8,0,1,1,385,17,0);

?, ?, ?, ?,Delay, DMG, ?

Once changed, what's next? Anything to do in Navicat tables to "seal the deal"?

Re: Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:05 pm
by kjLotus
Elkazan wrote:Do you mean to say that for each that is missing, I'd have to add (further down) the following:

-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- Unkai Domaru +2
-- -------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 1, 70); -- DEF:70
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 23, 17); -- Attack+17
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 89, 7); -- Great Katana Skill+7
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 73, 10); -- Store TP+10
INSERT INTO `item_mods` VALUES(11095, 306, ?); -- Enhances "Zanshin" Effect (by what value and how to find this value?)
yep. every mod is in status.lua and modifier.h. if a mod you're looking for isn't there, might just not be implemented yet.

sets are in a lua file (gear_sets.lua?) but i don't think you can easily do them for empyrean as they're pretty unique things
Elkazan wrote:And final question(s):

How do I make sense of this in item_weapon:

INSERT INTO `item_weapon` VALUES (16859,'bronze_spear_+1',8,0,1,1,385,17,0);

?, ?, ?, ?,Delay, DMG, ?

Once changed, what's next? Anything to do in Navicat tables to "seal the deal"?
look at the column names to figure out what the numbers mean:

`itemId` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- itemid
`name` text, -- name
`skill` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- skill number that this weapon belongs to (status.lua, SKILL_xxx)
`subskill` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- gonna be 0 unless you're doing guns/crossbows
`dmgType` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', --piercing/slashing/blunt/h2h
`hit` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', -- hit count (i think..)
`delay` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- delay (and it has an offset if youre dealing with ranged weapons)
`dmg` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- dmg
`unlock_index` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, -- leave it as 0

Re: Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:27 pm
by Elkazan

So I change the values in item_weapon and/or item_mod, save the file(s), reboot the server and it should all work? (I'm aware I'd have to edit .dat files to get the proper description, but I'm not bothering).

I tried screwing around with the values for Thalassocrat, but doesn't seem to be an effect. Will keep trying.

Re: Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:45 pm
by Elkazan
Nevermind, I added/edited each value to in the Navicat tables to match the changes made to the text files and restarted the server and every change has now taken effect. Thanks so much for your help, Lotus!

I will reply to this thread when I have some sort of working database. I'll need help converting all the changes to Navicat, though. Is there a way to export the edited tables for others to download? Or is it going to require a batch file?

Re: Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:41 pm
by kjLotus
if you do the changes to the .sql file, you have to rerun it in navicat to overwrite your tables with the new .sql. if you do the changes in the table directly, you can export them, but they'll lose all comments (so its not really the preferred way, unless you're doing something that would be a lot easier in a query)

Re: Level 76+ Gear Not Stats Not Working

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:30 am
by Elkazan
Alright, so what do I do to "re-run" the sql in navicat once it's been edited? Because if I can save myself the trouble of manually changing everything in Navicat as well, then hell yes.