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Temenos & limbus

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:51 am
by cupofnoodles
Ok on our server we can get into regular Limbus with the swirling vortex, cosmo-cleanse, and cards. I am trying to access the other side of limbus via Temenos area, and having trouble trying to get into it. everytime we try into it, we have the " You have clearance to enter Limbus, but cannot enter while you or a party memener is engaged in battle." We get this message not matter what, I could be solo or in a party or whatever I still get this message. I even get this message when I give myself the require chips to access the Proto-Ultima fight. Any help?

Re: Temenos & limbus

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:40 pm
by tagban
This is the result of the April update that broke NPC ID's. And was supposedly fixed today. Your server host more than likely needs to do a Pull request to get the latest.