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Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:12 pm
by kitala
Hi there, I have some basic newbie questions about job abilities.

I'm trying to code up retaliation for a friend on the server I play. I'm having trouble getting the code implemented, and it's starting to get to me. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I started by trying to code my own ability, and eventually degraded to just copying the lua for counterstance and putting it in a file called retaliation, even this didn't work. The animation works, the icon for retaliation comes up on the status bar, I even made it so that I couldn't use Retaliation when defensive abilities are enabled, but my character will not counter. I'm at a loss.

A friend told me I have to write the C++ into battleutils.cpp, which is what I was going to try. However, I went looking for other job abilities in the entity.cpp files and they aren't coded.

So I guess my question is why does counterstance work on MNK, but when I put it on WAR and change the name to retaliation it doesn't? If I have to code it into the C++, how does counterstance work without being coded into it?

Sorry if these questions are incredibly stupid. Thanks for looking.

Re: Retaliation

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:32 pm
by kjLotus
the code in attacking (ai_char_normal, ai_mob_dummy) checks if you have a buff called counterstance up

Re: Retaliation

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:31 pm
by kitala
Thanks for your help on this. I ended up getting retaliation fully functional thanks to your very timely response.

Re: Retaliation

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:52 am
by kjLotus
i will give it a code review tomorrow probably, i hope you don't mind going over any possible errors