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Cant Fix Movement Speed

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:47 am
by Kyadrek
Hey all,

Initially, everything had been great. Then as I was playing something happened to my server, which I still can't figure out what it was, only that it had crashed and every time I tried to re-open the DSGame.exe it would instantly say DEBUG ERROR. ABORT called and wouldn't let me open it.

So, I couldn't figure out how to make it work after rebuilding the DSGame.exe, which failed, so I saved my character data and my mob droplist (as I edited the drops) and completely scrapped the entire server and rebuilt all three from scratch. I was able to play again.. and we all had our characters to boot.

Now my issue lies with the movement speed. Ever since I did what is posted here, the movement speed is slower even than retail and despite modifying baseentities or even the speed mod in the map.darkstar.conf --- the speed remains unaffected.

If I use the GM command to change my speed, I have to go as high as @speed 100-120 to notice a real difference and even then, the animation is between a walk and a run... despite me "running".

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Re: Cant Fix Movement Speed

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:06 pm
by whasf
after you changed the speed in the map_darkstar.conf , did you restart the game server? That config file is only read on server startup.

Re: Cant Fix Movement Speed

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:44 pm
by Kyadrek
Yes. I rebooted from desktop afterwards. I will do so one more time just in case.


The results remain the same unfortunately.