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Add on not available past Wings of the Goddess
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:29 pm
by cubia
Hello !
I've tried to build my own server again and I'm having an issue with the add on. I've also tried the following settings :
Set everything to 1 instead of 0 but no luck.
Can anyone tell me what I am supposed to do if I want to activate all add ons including Adoulin ?
Thanks !
Re: Add on not available past Wings of the Goddess
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:29 pm
by Delaide
Are you looking at the login screen?
And the different expansions are not lit up?
That would be the login config: ... .conf#L104
Change line 104 to 4094, instead of the default 12. Then all the expansions will light up in your client at start.
Re: Add on not available past Wings of the Goddess
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:55 am
by cubia
Thanks for the tip, but I have a problem, I don't have so many lines (mine stop at 90) :
#Darkstar login server conf
#login server parametres
#Time-stamp format which will be printed before all messages.
#Can at most be 20 characters long.
#Common formats:
# %I:%M:%S %p (hour:minute:second 12 hour, AM/PM format)
# %H:%M:%S (hour:minute:second, 24 hour format)
# %d/%b/%Y (day/Month/year)
#For full format information, consult the strftime() manual.
timestamp_format: [%d/%b %H:%M]
#If redirected output contains escape sequences (color codes)
stdout_with_ansisequence: no
#Makes server output more silent by ommitting certain types of messages:
#Standard = 1
#Status = 2
#Info = 4
#Notice = 8
#Warn = 16
#Debug = 32
#Error = 64
#Fatal Error = 128
#SQL = 256
#Lua = 512
#Navmesh = 1024
#Example: "console_silent: 7" Hides standard, status and information messages (1+2+4)
console_silent: 0
#TCP/IP parameters
login_data_port: 54230
login_view_port: 54001
login_auth_port: 54231
#SQL parameters
mysql_port: 3306
mysql_login: root
mysql_password: mokkori59
mysql_database: dspdb
#Search Server Port
search_server_port: 54002
#Expansion Icons - 2 Bytes
#Byte 1 - Zilart to A Shantotto Ascension
#00000000 Bit0 - Not Used - Original FFXI bit
#00000010 Bit1 - Enables Rise of Zilart Icon
#00000100 Bit2 - Enables Chains of Promathia Icon
#00001000 Bit3 - Enables Treasures of Aht Urhgan Icon
#00010000 Bit4 - Enables Wings of The Goddess
#00100000 Bit5 - Enables A Crystalline Prophecy Icon
#01000000 Bit6 - Enables A Moogle Kupod'Etat Icon
#10000000 Bit7 - Enables A Shantotto Ascension Icon
#Byte 2 - Vision of Abyssea to Seekers of Adoulin
#00000001 Bit0 - Enables Vision of Abyssea
#00000010 Bit1 - Enables Scars of Abyssea
#00000100 Bit2 - Enables Heroes of Abyssea
#00001000 Bit3 - Enables Seekers of Adoulin
#00010000 Bit4 - Not Used - Future expansion
#00100000 Bit5 - Not Used - Future expansion
#01000000 Bit6 - Not Used - Future expansion
#10000000 Bit7 - Not Used - Future expansion
expansions: 30
#Server name (not longer than 15 characters)
servername: DarkStar
#Central message server settings (ensure these are the same on both all map servers and the central (lobby) server
msg_server_port: 54003
#Logging of user IP address to database (true/false)
log_user_ip: false
Is this normal ?
Re: Add on not available past Wings of the Goddess
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:39 am
by Delaide
expansions: 30
This line. Change to 4094
Sorry, my first message was wrong. Not the features, the expansions.
But based on your file, you are running older versions. I recommend updating your server. But also remember if you do that you will need to update your client also.
Re: Add on not available past Wings of the Goddess
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:26 am
by cubia
I'll try it out, thanks !
I am a bit surprised that I am running an old version as I started everything yesterday, including updating the game via POL (ffxi unknown patch thing).
Can you redirect to a page that can explain how to update the server and the client ?
Thanks again for your help !
Re: Add on not available past Wings of the Goddess
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:59 pm
by Delaide
If you did a fresh pull, then it could be something different. Stash save, stash pop?