NPCs don't do anything

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NPCs don't do anything

Post by kobaltic » Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:12 pm

I set up a local server and it works great. As far as I can tell everything works, including NPCs. I set up a server on my VPS and after changing the IP in the Zone table I can connect. I can move all around but I can't talk to NPCs. None of them work. I saw an issue about the client needing to be updated can cause this issue. I would think if that was the case I wouldn't be able to talk to the NPCs on my local server. I am trying to figure out if the NPC information is in the database, lua files or somewhere else. Thanks for any help.

EDIT: I found out I am missing a bunch of the scripts. I must of had an issue when I was copying them over and didn't know it. I see I am missing all the NPCs scripts. I think that will take care of the issue.

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