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World Server problems

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:22 am
by Crystan
Hi I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this issue I'm having...

I have followed each step on the page with no worries (some items said (possible loss of data during the build?), on a fresh formatted Windows 7 system that simply has those files on... nothing else. Its sole purpose is to sit pretty and run the server... The MySQL runs, Login server, search and world server run fine.

I then have the game and windower with xiloader on another system. I launch using the hairpin command and I can login, make a character and it registers it/saves no problems, and I can see the progress on the login server window on the server computer screen...

My problem occurs when I click play... once I click to play, it says the usual stuff on the progres bar, but then screen goes dark and says

@@@ Downloading Data @@@

in the bottom corner... It then says this none stop until it times out. I look at the other computer screen and it says nothing....

Any ideas?

Re: World Server problems

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:46 am
by whasf
If the server and client are on the same network you don't use the --hairpin option. That is only for when the server is accessible from outside.

Is the server internal only? If so, did you set the zone IP in zone_settings to the IP address of the server? If the server is external-accessible, it needs to be the WAN IP (true internet IP), and then you use --hairpin

hopefully that's not confusing.

Re: World Server problems

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:06 am
by Crystan
Slightly confusing lol I'm pretty new to this to be fair.

I followed all instructons on the site.

I then set the server computer a static IP, connected it to the hub.

I then connected the client computer to the network, followed by opening xiloader.exe and adding the 192.168.x.x and it connected fine. As I log in I can see on the screen the login server following my actions as I make an account, a character etc. I then select my character and try to log in. The progress bar cones up connecting to lobby, character (2) blah blah all good, login server again follows my actions and updates.... then it goes black, says @@@Downloading Data@@@ and that's it...

I'm thinking it's a definately problem on the setup of the server files or MySQL because the client connects no problem to the system. ..just don't know where to start...

Re: World Server problems

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:52 am
by whasf
Look in zone_settings table, since your server is on a different machine than the client, you need to put the IP of the server into the zone_settings
See ... Map_Server

Re: World Server problems

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:30 am
by Crystan
The problem has been successfully rectified ^^