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server wants an outdated client to connect

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:53 am
by wyll001
not much to say... the client is up to date but the server wants an outdated client to connect

Code: Select all

[31/Oct 04:37][Info] Pinging SQL server to keep connection alive...
[31/Oct 04:37][Info] Pinging SQL server to keep connection alive...
[31/Oct 12:37][Info] Pinging SQL server to keep connection alive...
[31/Oct 12:37][Info] Pinging SQL server to keep connection alive...
[31/Oct 13:31][Info] login_parse:<wyll001> was connected
[31/Oct 13:32][Debug] lobbyview_parse:Incoming Packet:<26> from ip:<>
[31/Oct 13:32][Error] lobbyview_parse: Incorrect client version: got 301710xx_x, expected 301709xx_x
[31/Oct 13:32][Error] lobbyview_parse: The server must be updated to support this client version
[31/Oct 13:32][Info] lobbyview_parse: wyll001 shutdown the socket
[31/Oct 13:32][Info] lobbydata_parse: wyll001 shutdown the socket
[31/Oct 13:32][Info] lobbydata_parse: wyll001's login_session_data is deleted
and I built a new from scratch server last week so I'm positive is the git repository that is outdated

Re: server wants an outdated client to connect

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:56 pm
by whasf
Yep, someone needs to update it. To get around it you can open and set ENABLE_VER_LOCK to false and restart the game server

Re: server wants an outdated client to connect

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:56 pm
by Djarum
Thank you!

Re: server wants an outdated client to connect

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:56 am
by whasf
Make that "restart the lobby server" :)