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Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:28 am
by x8jason8x
Hello all.
No trouble getting the server going, but I'm having an issue with settings not taking effect. I'm trying to set the level cap to 75, expansions through WoTG, but when I edit the settings.lua, none of the changes are taking effect. Full disclosure, this is my first attempt at building a server, so there are any number of things I'm sure I could be doing wrong. Some of the settings I changed took effect from the conf files, and this has me even more at a loss.
Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:22 pm
by whasf
After you change the settings.lua file you need to restart the game server, it is read on start up.
Re: Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:09 pm
by x8jason8x
whasf wrote:After you change the settings.lua file you need to restart the game server, it is read on start up.
Hahah, well, I'm not quite that slow
. Despite several restarts, all expansions remain open, and level cap 99
Re: Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:03 pm
by x8jason8x
Copied from my settings.lua, restarted again. Pic is what I'm looking at on test char login, it also shows the secure key login graphic on the bottom hand right. Most settings are in effect, but all content is still showing enabled, and I'm not certain if the level cap is in effect or not.
------------- GLOBAL SETTINGS -------------
-- This is to allow server operators to further customize their servers. As more features are added to pXI, the list will surely expand.
-- Anything scripted can be customized with proper script editing.
-- require("scripts/globals/settings");
-- With this script added to yours, you can pull variables from it!!
-- Always include status.lua, which defines mods
-- require("scripts/globals/status");
-- Common functions
-- Enable Expansion (1= yes 0= no)
ENABLE_VOIDWATCH = 0; -- Not an expansion, but has its own storyline.
-- FIELDS OF VALOR/Grounds of Valor settings
ENABLE_FIELD_MANUALS = 1; -- Enables Fields of Valor
ENABLE_GROUNDS_TOMES = 1; -- Enables Grounds of Valor
REGIME_WAIT = 1; -- Make people wait till 00:00 game time as in retail. If it's 0, there is no wait time.
LOW_LEVEL_REGIME = 0; -- Allow people to kill regime targets even if they give no exp, allowing people to farm regime targets at 75 in low level areas.
-- Setting to lock content more accurately to the content you have defined above
-- This generally results in a more accurate presentation of your selected expansions
-- as well as a less confusing player experience for things that are disabled (things that are disabled are not loaded)
-- This feature correlates to the content_tag column in the SQL files
INITIAL_LEVEL_CAP = 70; -- The initial level cap for new players. There seems to be a hardcap of 255.
MAX_LEVEL = 75; -- Level max of the server, lowers the attainable cap by disabling Limit Break quests.
NORMAL_MOB_MAX_LEVEL_RANGE_MIN = 81; -- Lower Bound of Max Level Range for Normal Mobs (0 = Uncapped)
NORMAL_MOB_MAX_LEVEL_RANGE_MAX = 84; -- Upper Bound of Max Level Range for Normal Mobs (0 = Uncapped)
START_GIL = 1000000; -- Amount of gil given to newly created characters.
START_INVENTORY = 80; -- Starting inventory and satchel size. Ignores values < 30. Do not set above 80!
OPENING_CUTSCENE_ENABLE = 0; -- Set to 1 to enable opening cutscenes, 0 to disable.
SUBJOB_QUEST_LEVEL = 0; -- Minimum level to accept either subjob quest. Set to 0 to start the game with subjobs unlocked.
ADVANCED_JOB_LEVEL = 30; -- Minimum level to accept advanced job quests. Set to 0 to start the game with advanced jobs.
ALL_MAPS = 1; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters all the maps.
UNLOCK_OUTPOST_WARPS = 1; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters all outpost warps. 2 to add Tu'Lia and Tavnazia.
SHOP_PRICE = 1.000; -- Multiplies prices in NPC shops.
GIL_RATE = 5.000; -- Multiplies gil earned from quests. Won't always display in game.
BAYLD_RATE = 1.000; -- Multiples bayld earned from quests.
EXP_RATE = 5.000; -- Multiplies exp earned from fov and quests.
TABS_RATE = 1.000; -- Multiplies tabs earned from fov.
CURE_POWER = 1.000; -- Multiplies amount healed from Healing Magic, including the relevant Blue Magic.
ELEMENTAL_POWER = 1.000; -- Multiplies damage dealt by Elemental and non-drain Dark Magic.
DIVINE_POWER = 1.000; -- Multiplies damage dealt by Divine Magic.
NINJUTSU_POWER = 1.000; -- Multiplies damage dealt by Ninjutsu Magic.
BLUE_POWER = 1.000; -- Multiplies damage dealt by Blue Magic.
DARK_POWER = 1.000; -- Multiplies amount drained by Dark Magic.
ITEM_POWER = 1.000; -- Multiplies the effect of items such as Potions and Ethers.
WEAPON_SKILL_POWER = 1.000; -- Multiplies damage dealt by Weapon Skills.
WEAPON_SKILL_POINTS = 1.000; -- Multiplies points earned during weapon unlocking.
USE_ADOULIN_WEAPON_SKILL_CHANGES = false; -- true/false. Change to toggle new Adoulin weapon skill damage calculations
HARVESTING_BREAK_CHANCE = 0.33; -- % chance for the sickle to break during harvesting. Set between 0 and 1.
EXCAVATION_BREAK_CHANCE = 0.33; -- % chance for the pickaxe to break during excavation. Set between 0 and 1.
LOGGING_BREAK_CHANCE = 0.33; -- % chance for the hatchet to break during logging. Set between 0 and 1.
MINING_BREAK_CHANCE = 0.33; -- % chance for the pickaxe to break during mining. Set between 0 and 1.
HARVESTING_RATE = 0.50; -- % chance to recieve an item from haresting. Set between 0 and 1.
EXCAVATION_RATE = 0.50; -- % chance to recieve an item from excavation. Set between 0 and 1.
LOGGING_RATE = 0.50; -- % chance to recieve an item from logging. Set between 0 and 1.
MINING_RATE = 50; -- % chance to recieve an item from mining. Set between 0 and 100.
HEALING_TP_CHANGE = -0; -- Change in TP for each healing tick. Default is -100
-- SE implemented coffer/chest illusion time in order to prevent coffer farming. No-one in the same area can open a chest or coffer for loot (gil, gems & items)
-- till a random time between MIN_ILLSION_TIME and MAX_ILLUSION_TIME. During this time players can loot keyitem and item related to quests (AF, maps... etc.)
COFFER_MAX_ILLUSION_TIME = 3600; -- 1 hour
COFFER_MIN_ILLUSION_TIME = 1800; -- 30 minutes
CHEST_MAX_ILLUSION_TIME = 3600; -- 1 hour
CHEST_MIN_ILLUSION_TIME = 1800; -- 30 minutes
-- Sets spawn type for: Behemoth, Fafnir, Adamantoise, King Behemoth, Nidhog, Aspidochelone.
-- Use 0 for timed spawns, 1 for force pop only, 2 for both
LandKingSystem_NQ = 2;
LandKingSystem_HQ = 2;
BETWEEN_2DYNA_WAIT_TIME = 1; -- wait time between 2 Dynamis (in real day) min: 1 day
DYNA_MIDNIGHT_RESET = true; -- if true, makes the wait time count by number of server midnights instead of full 24 hour intervals
DYNA_LEVEL_MIN = 65; -- level min for entering in Dynamis
TIMELESS_HOURGLASS_COST = 500000; -- refund for the timeless hourglass for Dynamis.
PRISMATIC_HOURGLASS_COST = 50000; -- cost of the prismatic hourglass for Dynamis.
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE = 100; -- X Tier 1 ancient currency -> 1 Tier 2, and so on. Certain values may conflict with shop items. Not designed to exceed 198.
RELIC_2ND_UPGRADE_WAIT_TIME = 604800; -- wait time for 2nd relic upgrade (stage 2 -> stage 3) in seconds. 604800s = 1 RL week.
RELIC_3RD_UPGRADE_WAIT_TIME = 295200; -- wait time for 3rd relic upgrade (stage 3 -> stage 4) in seconds. 295200s = 82 hours.
FREE_COP_DYNAMIS = 1 ; -- Authorize player to entering inside COP Dynamis without completing COP mission ( 1 = enable 0= disable)
WSNM_LEVEL = 70; -- Min Level to get WSNM Quests
AF1_QUEST_LEVEL = 40; -- Minimum level to start AF1 quest
AF2_QUEST_LEVEL = 50; -- Minimum level to start AF2 quest
AF3_QUEST_LEVEL = 50; -- Minimum level to start AF3 quest
AF1_FAME = 20; -- base fame for completing an AF1 quest
AF2_FAME = 40; -- base fame for completing an AF2 quest
AF3_FAME = 60; -- base fame for completing an AF3 quest
DEBUG_MODE = 0; -- Set to 1 to activate auto-warping to the next location (only supported by certain missions / quests).
QM_RESET_TIME = 300; -- Default time (in seconds) you have from killing ???-pop mission NMs to click again and get key item, until ??? resets.
OldSchoolG1 = false; -- Set to true to require farming Exoray Mold, Bombd Coal, and Ancient Papyrus drops instead of allowing key item method.
OldSchoolG2 = false; -- Set true to require the NMs for "Atop the Highest Mountains" be dead to get KI like before SE changed it.
FrigiciteDuration = 30; -- When OldSChoolG2 is enabled, this is the time (in seconds) you have from killing Boreal NMs to click the "???" target.
CIRCLE_KILLER_EFFECT = 20; -- Intimidation percentage granted by circle effects. (made up number)
KILLER_EFFECT = 10; -- Intimidation percentage from killer job traits.
DIA_OVERWRITE = 1; --Set to 1 to allow Bio to overwrite same tier Dia. Default is 1.
BIO_OVERWRITE = 0; --Set to 1 to allow Dia to overwrite same tier Bio. Default is 0.
BARELEMENT_OVERWRITE = 1; --Set to 1 to allow Barelement spells to overwrite each other (prevent stacking). Default is 1.
BARSTATUS_OVERWRITE = 1; --Set to 1 to allow Barstatus spells to overwrite each other (prevent stacking). Default is 1.
STONESKIN_CAP = 500; -- soft cap for hp absorbed by stoneskin
BLINK_SHADOWS = 3; -- number of shadows supplied by Blink spell
ENSPELL_DURATION = 180; -- duration of RDM en-spells
SPIKE_EFFECT_DURATION = 180; -- the duration of RDM, BLM spikes effects (not Reprisal)
ELEMENTAL_DEBUFF_DURATION = 120; -- base duration of elemental debuffs
AQUAVEIL_COUNTER = 1; -- Base amount of hits Aquaveil absorbs to prevent spell interrupts. Retail is 1.
ABSORB_SPELL_AMOUNT = 8; -- how much of a stat gets absorbed by DRK absorb spells - expected to be a multiple of 8.
ABSORB_SPELL_TICK = 9; -- duration of 1 absorb spell tick
SNEAK_INVIS_DURATION_MULTIPLIER = 3; -- multiplies duration of sneak,invis,deodorize to reduce player torture. 1 = retail behavior.
USE_OLD_CURE_FORMULA = false; -- true/false. if true, uses older cure formula (3*MND + VIT + 3*(healing skill/5)) // cure 6 will use the newer formula
EXPLORER_MOOGLE = 1; -- Enables Explorer Moogle teleports
JINX_MODE_2005 = 0; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters swimsuits from 2005. Ex: Hume Top
JINX_MODE_2008 = 0; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters swimsuits from 2008. Ex: Custom Top
JINX_MODE_2012 = 0; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters swimsuits from 2012. Ex: Marine Top
SUMMERFEST_2004 = 0; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters Far East dress from 2004. Ex: Onoko Yukata
SUNBREEZE_2009 = 0; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters Far East dress from 2009. Ex: Otokogusa Yukata
SUNBREEZE_2011 = 0; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters Far East dress from 2011. Ex: Hikogami Yukata
CHRISTMAS = 0; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters Christmas dress.
HALLOWEEN = 0; -- Set to 1 to give starting characters Halloween items (Does not start event).
HALLOWEEN_2005 = 0; -- Set to 1 to Enable the 2005 version of Harvest Festival, will start on Oct. 20 and end Nov. 1.
HALLOWEEN_YEAR_ROUND = 0; -- Set to 1 to have Harvest Festival initialize outside of normal times.
HOMEPOINT_HEAL = 0; --Set to 1 if you want Home Points to heal you like in single-player Final Fantasy games.
RIVERNE_PORTERS = 120; -- Time in seconds that Unstable Displacements in Cape Riverne stay open after trading a scale.
LANTERNS_STAY_LIT = 1200; -- time in seconds that lanterns in the Den of Rancor stay lit.
ENABLE_COP_ZONE_CAP=0; -- enable or disable lvl cap
TIMEZONE_OFFSET = 9.0; -- Offset from UTC used to determine when "JP Midnight" is for the server. Default is JST (+9.0).
ALLOW_MULTIPLE_EXP_RINGS = 0; -- Set to 1 to remove ownership restrictions on the Chariot/Empress/Emperor Band trio.
BYPASS_EXP_RING_ONE_PER_WEEK = 1; -- -- Set to 1 to bypass the limit of one ring per Conquest Tally Week.
NUMBER_OF_DM_EARRINGS = 1; -- Number of earrings players can simultaneously own from Divine Might before scripts start blocking them (Default: 1)
HOMEPOINT_TELEPORT = 1; -- Enables the homepoint teleport system
DIG_ABUNDANCE_BONUS = 0; -- Increase chance of digging up an item (450 = item digup chance +45)
DIG_FATIGUE = 1; -- Set to 0 to disable Dig Fatigue
DIG_GRANT_BURROW = 0; -- Set to 1 to grant burrow ability
DIG_GRANT_BORE = 0; -- Set to 1 to grant bore ability
ENM_COOLDOWN = 120; -- Number of hours before a player can obtain same KI for ENMs (default: 5 days)
FORCE_SPAWN_QM_RESET_TIME = 300; -- Number of seconds the ??? remains hidden for after the despawning of the mob it force spawns.
BETWEEN_2COSMOCLEANSE_WAIT_TIME = 3; -- day between 2 limbus keyitem (default 3 days)
DIMENSIONAL_PORTAL_UNLOCK = false; -- Set true to bypass requirements for using dimensional portals to reach sea for Limbus
VISITANT_BONUS = 1.00; -- Default: 1.00 - (retail) - Multiplies the base time value of each Traverser Stone.
Re: Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:46 pm
by x8jason8x
Level cap setting is working.
Re: Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:07 pm
by whasf
Those icons are set on a per-account level now. In your accounts table there is an 'expansions' column, you can change the default value so everyone gets the same icons. See at the bottom
Re: Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:15 pm
by x8jason8x
I see. Is there any way to set that as default on account creation?
Re: Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:24 pm
by x8jason8x
Anyway, it seems that there's no effect other than the icons being lit, I have no idea how to set the values in that column, it reports a value of 4094.
Re: Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:05 pm
by x8jason8x
maybe I'm not asking the right questions, I don't have any trouble accessing the individual accounts, but the values make no sense to me, even with the link provided. What value would I set for CoP/AU/WotG only, and where would I set the default?
Re: Can't change server settings
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:46 pm
by TeoTwawki
its a decimal representation of multiple bytes. Lets look at them in binary, where its all on/off (one and zero):
4094 = 0000111111111110 (everything except the one unused bit)
Byte 1 - Zilart to A Shantotto Ascension
00000000 Bit0 - Not Used - Original FFXI bit
00000010 Bit1 - Enables Rise of Zilart Icon
00000100 Bit2 - Enables Chains of Promathia Icon
00001000 Bit3 - Enables Treasures of Aht Urhgan Icon
00010000 Bit4 - Enables Wings of The Goddess
00100000 Bit5 - Enables A Crystalline Prophecy Icon
01000000 Bit6 - Enables A Moogle Kupod'Etat Icon
10000000 Bit7 - Enables A Shantotto Ascension Icon
Byte 2 - Vision of Abyssea to Seekers of Adoulin
00000001 Bit0 - Enables Vision of Abyssea
00000010 Bit1 - Enables Scars of Abyssea
00000100 Bit2 - Enables Heroes of Abyssea
00001000 Bit3 - Enables Seekers of Adoulin
00010000 Bit4 - Not Used - Future expansion
00100000 Bit5 - Not Used - Future expansion
01000000 Bit6 - Not Used - Future expansion
10000000 Bit7 - Not Used - Future expansion
so binary 0000000000000010 or decimal "2" would be zilart only.
"30" would get you zilart, Cop, ToAu, and WoTG.
And all this does nothing but those light-up icons you see before logging into game - no changes inside the game at all. In game content is not controlled by this.