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Item Latents not working

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:48 pm
by x8jason8x
Ran in to an issue with item latents not functioning, or only partially functioning. I reverted all changes I made to any files, but the problem persists. I'm hoping someone may have run in to this issue before. Attached is pic, showing issue with Tamas Ring latent. I'm hoping I don't have to drop the DB again, so any insight would be appreciated.

Thanks :D

Re: Item Latents not working

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:08 pm
by whasf
I don't think they're all coded

Re: Item Latents not working

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:11 pm
by x8jason8x
They're improperly coded, but I had fixed it. They were working correctly. I changed all the files back to the stable commit from github.

Seems as if my only option is to drop the DB and start over lol.

Re: Item Latents not working

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:04 pm
by x8jason8x
Perhaps I didn't make it clear, I've tested many items with latents, from Trump Crown to Rajas Ring, they are all non-functional to one degree or another, where they previously had been. Nothing else is malfunctioning.

Re: Item Latents not working

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 4:51 pm
by x8jason8x
Still haven't found the problem. Can anyone confirm if this data preservation script still works?

"After you've done your initial load, you can use the following script that will preserve character data

cd c:\darkstar\sql
del auction_house.sql
del chars.sql
del accounts.sql
del accounts_banned.sql
del char_effects.sql
del char_equip.sql
del char_exp.sql
del char_inventory.sql
del char_jobs.sql
del char_look.sql
del char_pet.sql
del char_pet_name.sql
del char_points.sql
del char_profile.sql
del char_skills.sql
del char_spells.sql
del char_stats.sql
del char_storage.sql
del char_vars.sql
del char_weapon_skill_points.sql
del chars.sql
del conquest_system.sql
del delivery_box.sql
del linkshells.sql
FOR %%X IN (*.sql) DO ECHO Importing %%X & "c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.6\bin\mysql" dspdb -h localhost -u root -pMYSQLPASS < %%X


Accounting for my path change of course.

Re: Item Latents not working

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:42 pm
by Zynjec
Sounds like you're running an out of date version, latents were fixed a couple months ago now.

Tamas is applying the appropriate +30MP +5 INT/MND on master.

Re: Item Latents not working

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 1:34 pm
by x8jason8x
I had them working on stable.

Char data preservation script work? Anyone?

Re: Item Latents not working

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:26 pm
by Zynjec
Latents were fixed as of this commit --

tldr: items with multiple latents only applied the first latent (eg: level 30 stats for Tamas/Rajas/Sattva)

Don't know if it's in stable, but it fixed in master/whasf latest release. You shouldn't have to touch your database, just recompile a revision that has that fix.

Re: Item Latents not working

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:36 pm
by x8jason8x
Zynjec wrote:Latents were fixed as of this commit --

tldr: items with multiple latents only applied the first latent (eg: level 30 stats for Tamas/Rajas/Sattva)

Don't know if it's in stable, but it fixed in master/whasf latest release. You shouldn't have to touch your database, just recompile a revision that has that fix.
Okay, forgive me if I seem noobish, I'm good with coding and editing the DB, done that stuff plenty, but how do I go about getting the new revision? Switch/checkout to master branch and recompile? Literally no idea what to do here. I'm hesitant to do anything because I have a few people on my server already, and don't want to delete their data.

Re: Item Latents not working

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 1:58 am
by x8jason8x
Sort of resolved it, but all my GM commands are broken now.