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Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:30 am
by grandmst20
I'm running into a new problem. I was able to login and create a character and whatnot, but when I enter the world, the game server crashes. First it was the 3001 error, so I restarted everything a couple different times, now it's no longer an issue about the key, but still crashes.

Game Server Log
[0m[1;32m[Status][0m Memory manager initialised: [1;37mlog/DSP.leaks[0m
[1;37m[Info][0m DarkStar - Git Revision Hash: [1;37mUnknown[0m.
[1;32m[Status][0m do_init: begin server initialization...
[09:03:53][1;37m[Info][0m Console Silent Setting: 0 - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: map_config is reading - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m luautils:: initializing... - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: sqlhandle is allocating - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: zlib is reading - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: loading items - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: loading spells - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:54][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: loading zones[09:04:17][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mUpdateWeather Finished
[0m - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:04:17][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: server is binding with port 54230 - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:04:17][1;32m[Status][0m The map-server is [1;32mready[0m to work...
[09:04:17][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36m[Lua] Garbage Collected. Current State Top: 0
[0m[09:04:48][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mUpdateGuildsStock is finished
[0m[09:04:48][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mPlayer playtime saving finished
[0m[09:05:49][1;37m[Info][0m [1;37mmapsession[0m:[1;37m127.0.0.1[0m:[1;37m54090[0m is coming to world...
[09:05:49][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0001 0000 2E from user: Kris
[09:05:49][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mCZone:: Port_Bastok IncreaseZoneCounter <1> Kris
Login Server Log
[1;32m[Status][0m Memory manager initialised: [1;37mlog/DSP.leaks[0m
[1;37m[Info][0m DarkStar - Git Revision Hash: [1;37mUnknown[0m.
[01/Sep 09:03][1;37m[Info][0m Console Silent Setting: 0
[01/Sep 09:03][1;32m[Status][0m The login-server-auth is [1;32mready[0m (Server is listening on the port 54231).

[01/Sep 09:03][1;32m[Status][0m The login-server-lobbydata is [1;32mready[0m (Server is listening on the port 54230).

[01/Sep 09:03][1;32m[Status][0m The login-server-lobbyview is [1;32mready[0m (Server is listening on the port 54001).

[01/Sep 09:03][1;32m[Status][0m The login-server is [1;32mready[0m to work...
[01/Sep 09:05][1;37m[Info][0m login_parse:[1;37m<grandmst20>[0m was connected
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbyview_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<26>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbyview_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<1f>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbydata_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<a1>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbyview_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<24>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbyview_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<7>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbydata_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<a2>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;37m[Info][0m lobbydata_parse: zoneid:(236),zoneip:(,zoneport:(54230) for char:(21828)
[01/Sep 09:05][1;32m[Status][0m lobbydata_parse: client finished work with [1;32mlobbyview[0m
[01/Sep 09:06][1;37m[Info][0m lobbydata_parse: [1;37mgrandmst20[0m shutdown the socket
[01/Sep 09:06][1;37m[Info][0m lobbydata_parse: [1;37mgrandmst20[0m's login_session_data is deleted
As soon as I enter the world the game server crashes. Any suggestions?

The Zone IP is set to (But followed by the wiki, so 16777343 /

Re: Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:54 pm
by kjLotus
gonna need to run in debug and see what file/line it breaks on

Re: Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:12 pm
by grandmst20
Pardon my ignorance, but do you care to elaborate a bit more?

Re: Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:25 pm
by kjLotus
are you on windows or linux?

Re: Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:27 pm
by grandmst20
Windows 7 x64.

Not sure if that has any implication on the problems. The wiki is structured for 32 bit, but I changed everything to 64 bit, seems to be alright other than this issue.

Re: Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:35 pm
by kjLotus
open DSGame-server.sln and hit f5, then make it crash, and it should stop on the file/line that made it crash

assuming it's compiled in debug (which it should be, and is the default)

Re: Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:54 pm
by grandmst20
Okay so I tried what you said and I couldn't get anything. I'll take some screenshots to show you. I did however find the culprit. It was because they were 64 bit. When I tried to debug them as you said it gave me an error saying it couldn't find the program "DSGame-server.exe"

Well, the 64 bit apps are named "DSGame-server_64.exe" so of course it couldn't find it to debug it.

I'll see if it's something on my end or in the solution. Let me recompile it and rename it and see what I come up with.

I recompiled in 32 bit and it works fine (so far).

Re: Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:05 pm
by kjLotus
i was debating whether or not to mention 64-bit, but i guess i should have

64-bit isn't tested, probably doesn't run, and really offers no advantages over 32-bit currently anyways

edit: on the other hand, now that zlib is fixed, i suppose i can go look at 64 bit again

Re: Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:36 pm
by grandmst20
Okay well here's some info for you that may prove to be useful. Outside of compiling I don't know anything about C and VS.

Here's a quick rundown of what I did:

Game crashing upon entering world using 64 bit apps:
Build successful for 64 bit, appends "_64" to file name.
Try to debug 64 bit application, trying to load file "DSGame-server.exe"
When I rename the 64 bit app to debug it, it creates a new set of files with the _64 extension.
When I start to debug the program.

Re: Game Server Crashes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:37 pm
by grandmst20
Last post limited me to 5 attachments, last picture:

Warnings in VS before/during debug process: