Game Server Crashes
Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:30 am
I'm running into a new problem. I was able to login and create a character and whatnot, but when I enter the world, the game server crashes. First it was the 3001 error, so I restarted everything a couple different times, now it's no longer an issue about the key, but still crashes.
Game Server Log
The Zone IP is set to (But followed by the wiki, so 16777343 /
Game Server Log
Login Server Log[0m[1;32m[Status][0m Memory manager initialised: [1;37mlog/DSP.leaks[0m
[1;37m[Info][0m DarkStar - Git Revision Hash: [1;37mUnknown[0m.
[1;32m[Status][0m do_init: begin server initialization...
[09:03:53][1;37m[Info][0m Console Silent Setting: 0 - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: map_config is reading - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m luautils:: initializing... - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: sqlhandle is allocating - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: zlib is reading - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: loading items - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:53][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: loading spells - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:03:54][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: loading zones[09:04:17][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mUpdateWeather Finished
[0m - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:04:17][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: server is binding with port 54230 - [1;32m[OK][0m
[09:04:17][1;32m[Status][0m The map-server is [1;32mready[0m to work...
[09:04:17][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36m[Lua] Garbage Collected. Current State Top: 0
[0m[09:04:48][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mUpdateGuildsStock is finished
[0m[09:04:48][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mPlayer playtime saving finished
[0m[09:05:49][1;37m[Info][0m [1;37mmapsession[0m:[1;37m127.0.0.1[0m:[1;37m54090[0m is coming to world...
[09:05:49][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0001 0000 2E from user: Kris
[09:05:49][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mCZone:: Port_Bastok IncreaseZoneCounter <1> Kris
As soon as I enter the world the game server crashes. Any suggestions?[1;32m[Status][0m Memory manager initialised: [1;37mlog/DSP.leaks[0m
[1;37m[Info][0m DarkStar - Git Revision Hash: [1;37mUnknown[0m.
[01/Sep 09:03][1;37m[Info][0m Console Silent Setting: 0
[01/Sep 09:03][1;32m[Status][0m The login-server-auth is [1;32mready[0m (Server is listening on the port 54231).
[01/Sep 09:03][1;32m[Status][0m The login-server-lobbydata is [1;32mready[0m (Server is listening on the port 54230).
[01/Sep 09:03][1;32m[Status][0m The login-server-lobbyview is [1;32mready[0m (Server is listening on the port 54001).
[01/Sep 09:03][1;32m[Status][0m The login-server is [1;32mready[0m to work...
[01/Sep 09:05][1;37m[Info][0m login_parse:[1;37m<grandmst20>[0m was connected
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbyview_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<26>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbyview_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<1f>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbydata_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<a1>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbyview_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<24>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbyview_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<7>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;36m[Debug][0m lobbydata_parse:Incoming Packet:[1;37m<a2>[0m from ip:<>
[01/Sep 09:05][1;37m[Info][0m lobbydata_parse: zoneid:(236),zoneip:(,zoneport:(54230) for char:(21828)
[01/Sep 09:05][1;32m[Status][0m lobbydata_parse: client finished work with [1;32mlobbyview[0m
[01/Sep 09:06][1;37m[Info][0m lobbydata_parse: [1;37mgrandmst20[0m shutdown the socket
[01/Sep 09:06][1;37m[Info][0m lobbydata_parse: [1;37mgrandmst20[0m's login_session_data is deleted
The Zone IP is set to (But followed by the wiki, so 16777343 /