Server Crashing
Server Crashing
In our lua_baseentity.cpp and lua_statuseffect.cpp. Got it running in debug atm trying to reslove the issues. We are finding the breakpoints, have match the break points with other code and all matching. So what can do to try fix this problem. Thanks for help in advance on getting this resloved.
[GM] Soulsin
Re: Server Crashing
When it crashes hit debug. Then select debug menu and save the dump. Copy the server exe and and pdb and zip them together with the debug dump. Then upload it somewhere and link it here.
Nasomi FFXI Community Server - Classic CoP era fun!
Re: Server Crashing
Ok here in lua_statuseffects.cpp here is what at breakpoint atm
inline int32 CLuaStatusEffect::setPower(lua_State* L)
DSP_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(m_PLuaStatusEffect == NULL);
DSP_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(lua_isnil(L,1) || !lua_isnumber(L,1)); --- Breaking on this line
m_PLuaStatusEffect->SetPower( lua_tointeger(L,1) );
return 0;
inline int32 CLuaStatusEffect::setPower(lua_State* L)
DSP_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(m_PLuaStatusEffect == NULL);
DSP_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(lua_isnil(L,1) || !lua_isnumber(L,1)); --- Breaking on this line
m_PLuaStatusEffect->SetPower( lua_tointeger(L,1) );
return 0;
[GM] Soulsin
Re: Server Crashing
In the lunar.h this file is part break point
static int thunk(lua_State *L) {
// стек содержит user_t, следующим прямо за аргументами.
T *obj = check(L, 1);
lua_remove(L, 1);
// Получаем связанное с распаковщиком значение registration
Register_t *l = static_cast<Register_t*>(lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)));
return (obj->*(l->mfunc))(L); // Вызов метода объекта. -- This is breakpoint.
static int thunk(lua_State *L) {
// стек содержит user_t, следующим прямо за аргументами.
T *obj = check(L, 1);
lua_remove(L, 1);
// Получаем связанное с распаковщиком значение registration
Register_t *l = static_cast<Register_t*>(lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)));
return (obj->*(l->mfunc))(L); // Вызов метода объекта. -- This is breakpoint.
[GM] Soulsin
Re: Server Crashing
call stack should be able to tell which script is doing it, otherwise i've no idea which script is the offender
Re: Server Crashing
Ok, will try check into it all. Confused on this got no idea, but will post more data soon able get it.
Small update, we just rebuilt server all new and testing from that, hoping that is all fixed. If not we will post more info.
Small update, we just rebuilt server all new and testing from that, hoping that is all fixed. If not we will post more info.
[GM] Soulsin
Re: Server Crashing
Crashes for stuff like this happen from scripts, not the server software itself.
When you do have issues like this, it is best to create a crash dump and make a new issue on Github here:
Be sure to include your crash dump in the issue.
When you do have issues like this, it is best to create a crash dump and make a new issue on Github here:
Be sure to include your crash dump in the issue.