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DSConnect-server Socket Issue

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:37 pm
by gilraak
Hello all! Updated recently for me and friends to play since we don't have spare cash for live only I ran into this issue I didn't have before:

Code: Select all

[1;32m[Status][0m Memory manager initialised: [1;37mlog/DSP.leaks[0m
[1;37m[Info][0m DarkStar - Git Revision Hash: [1;37mUnknown[0m.
[02/Oct 14:31][1;37m[Info][0m Console Silent Setting: 0
[02/Oct 14:31][1;31m[Error][0m make_listen_bind: bind failed (socket #1, code 10048)!
I know this has to do with the socket being taken up, however I can't figure out what socket is is trying to use. I looked in my configs and found the socket for Maps & Game to use, but not DSConnect.

Hopefully someone can shed some light.

Re: DSConnect-server Socket Issue

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:56 pm
by atom0s
Socket error '10048' means the port is already in use. Are you sure you do not already have a copy of the server running? Next after that would be there is perhaps something else on your machine using that port. This can often happen with your browser and Flash / Java using the port for connecting to the backend servers for its various content while you are browsing.

Determining the port does not help either since the output from that is the socket # and no the port being bound to.

You can run "netstat -o" from the command line to see what processes are using what ports and look for the ones that DSP uses.

Re: DSConnect-server Socket Issue

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:57 pm
by gilraak
What ones does DSP use?

Re: DSConnect-server Socket Issue

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:57 pm
by kjLotus
54230, 54001 and 54231

Re: DSConnect-server Socket Issue

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:12 pm
by gilraak
Thank you for all the help, I found out it was my iCloud taking up a huge range of ports, from 49150 to well over the 54231 range.