I did a clean rebuild of my server in preparation for opening it and accepting people. I created a character (my GM) and I couldn't get on.
map-server log:
Code: Select all
[05:23:36][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36m[Lua] Garbage Collected. Current State Top: 0
[0m[1;32m[Status][0m Memory manager initialised: [1;37mlog/DSP.leaks[0m
[1;37m[Info][0m DarkStar - Git Revision Hash: [1;37mUnknown[0m.
[1;32m[Status][0m do_init: begin server initialization...
[05:30:12][1;37m[Info][0m Console Silent Setting: 0 - [1;32m[OK][0m
[05:30:12][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: map_config is reading - [1;32m[OK][0m
[05:30:12][1;32m[Status][0m luautils::init:lua initializing... - [1;32m[OK][0m
[05:30:12][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: sqlhandle is allocating - [1;32m[OK][0m
[05:30:12][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: zlib is reading - [1;32m[OK][0m
[05:30:12][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: loading items - [1;32m[OK][0m
[05:30:13][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: loading spells - [1;32m[OK][0m
[05:30:13][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mUpdateGuildPointsPattern is finished. New pattern: 0
[0m[05:30:17][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: loading zones - [1;32m[OK][0m
[05:31:55][1;32m[Status][0m do_init: server is binding with port 54230 - [1;32m[OK][0m
[05:31:56][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mInitializeWeather Finished
[0m[05:31:56][1;32m[Status][0m The map-server is [1;32mready[0m to work...
[05:31:56][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36m[Lua] Garbage Collected. Current State Top: 0
[0m[05:32:54][1;37m[Info][0m [1;37mmapsession[0m:[1;37m192.168.1.1[0m:[1;37m54346[0m is coming to world...
[05:32:54][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0001 0000 2E from user: Sonja
[05:32:54][1;36m[Debug][0m [1;36mCZone:: Port_Windurst IncreaseZoneCounter <1> Sonja
[0m[05:32:56][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0002 0001 2E from user: Sonja
[05:32:56][1;33m[Warning][0m [1;33mClient cannot receive packet or key is invalid: Sonja
[0m[05:32:58][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0003 0001 2E from user: Sonja
[05:32:58][1;33m[Warning][0m [1;33mClient cannot receive packet or key is invalid: Sonja
[0m[05:33:00][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0004 0001 2E from user: Sonja
[05:33:00][1;33m[Warning][0m [1;33mClient cannot receive packet or key is invalid: Sonja
[0m[05:33:02][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0005 0001 2E from user: Sonja
[05:33:02][1;33m[Warning][0m [1;33mClient cannot receive packet or key is invalid: Sonja
[0m[05:33:04][1;37m[Info][0m parse: 00A | 0006 0001 2E from user: Sonja
[05:33:04][1;33m[Warning][0m [1;33mClient cannot receive packet or key is invalid: Sonja
1) I'm using --hairpin
2) ports are open (yes the correct ones)
3) zoneip is set to external ip (yes the correct one)
4) Followed each step in the wiki.
5) Restart/Reset router/modem.
After doing #5, I stopped getting the Packet Warnings, but client still hangs on Downloading Data, then returning Error FFXI-3001. I've been trying to log this character in for 30 minutes prior to posting this in case it was a fluke error.
So, who's got the answer for me? Am I going to have to uninstall everything associated with this and reinstall?