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Navicat won't connect

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:04 am
by Jemali
Hi there, noob trying to set up an at home private server.

So far I've been following the wiki to setup the server. I thought everything was going fine. I used the "using a bat script" method to set up the database and I didn't get an error when I built the server in Visual Studio.

I tried to launch the server, but DSConnect-server.exe opens and closes right away. The same happened with DSGame-server.exe.

I figured I did something wrong so I went back and tried the Navicat method. I downloaded Navicat but it won't let me connect. It gives me a "Named pipes provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server" error. I tried to see if editing zone_settings.sql would help so I opened that file on MySQL workbench, searched all IP address with 127.0.01 and replaced it with the host computer's local IP. (I plan on hosting it internally on the network).

The DSP_import.bat has been edited so that it reflects both the mysql server version (5.7) and the password is correct.

Any thoughts?

Re: Navicat won't connect

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:38 pm
by whasf
You need to edit conf\map_darkstar.conf, login_darkstar.conf and search_server.conf and update the SQL Parameters section

Re: Navicat won't connect

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:37 pm
by Jemali
Thanks for the response!

I've changed the SQL Parameters from a local IP to the internal IP address. The username and password matches from the initial set up too. Navicat still won't connect.

I think I know where the problem might be.

When I launch the .bat file, I get error 1049 unknown database error.

Searching this site, I found this solution:

I've added the directory into my environment as per the instructions. To verify that it is correct, in cmd I can type in mysql -uroot -p and it will say "Welcome to MySQL Monitor.

Beyond that I'm still trying to figure out why I'm getting error 1049.

Changing the local IP to the internal IP on those three files gives me another error in the darkstar\log\login-server.txt and map-server.txt
With an internal IP, the logs will say 'Computer name' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server.
With a local IP, the logs will say unknown database 'dspdb'

-edit #2-

Ok so it seems that error 1049 was the problem. I manually created dspdb in cmd using the command line "create database dspdb;" then ran the bat file again. It started importing the values and now I can connect from my FFXI client. Now it says incorrect client version...

But hey I'm making progress :) :) :)

Re: Navicat won't connect

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:54 pm
by whasf
I completely mis-read your whole post.. I see you had an issue with Navicat now, not the servers.. lol
I need a drink

Re: Navicat won't connect

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:34 pm
by Jemali
Cheers to that drink. Got the server to work last night and have been messing around as a GM, taking down NMs and HNMs that I was never able to in retail.

Anyways, if I may make a few suggestions to the wiki, I think it might help with noobs like me trying to set up the server.

I think when it came down to it, not knowing what to look for and blindly following the steps make it hard to know if you're on the right track.

So for example, here are the few things I would like to suggest adding to the wiki guide so people can verify that they're on the right track. Sorry if these suggestions seems obvious to you (because they weren't to me hahaha)
1. After mySQL has been installed on the computer, open cmd and type in PATH to verify that it is in your environment. If not, they will need to add it in manually.
2. In cmd, type in mysql -u root -p and login to verify that mySQL did indeed install correctly.
3. When pulling files with GIT, verify that it's been done correctly if there is a green ! in the icon.
4. When you are running DSP_import.bat, verify that it's not saying error 1049 and that it's actually importing the data. If it isn't, you need to verify that "dspdb" is in fact one of the databases. If there isn't one when you type in "view databases" command line in cmd, then you will need to create one manually.
5. When launching the compiled executables as an admin, verify that it's not just opening and closing right away and that it stays open.

Just also two side notes, Visual studio 2013 didn't work for me when compiling the servers. I had to download Visual studio 2015 for that because Visual studio 2013 was missing the vs140 build tool. Navicat still isn't connecting for me. I'm not so sure if that's a problem because everything seems to be working.

Finally, if I may request a guide to updating servers, that would be fantastic (as you can probably tell I'm not super computer savvy but I'm mostly competent).

Re: Navicat won't connect

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:45 pm
by kjLotus
oops, the guide says VS2015 but the prereqs says 2013, i'll fix that